
Days are like the weather, not always sunny, not always rainy. Life often encounters unsatisfactory moments, and the key is to learn to adjust yourself. Bask in the sun when it's sunny and listen when it rains

author:Cloud smoke lotus flower

Days are like the weather, not always sunny, not always rainy. Life often encounters unsatisfactory moments, and the key is to learn to adjust yourself.

Bask in the sun when the sky is sunny, listen to the rain when it rains, and cope with the ups and downs of life with a peaceful attitude.

Be the master of emotions, don't let life lose to the mood. With sunshine in the heart, there will be poetry and far away, and there will be love in the heart, and there will be desolation in life.

You have to be quietly excellent, quietly strong, and eat enough of the bitterness of the present, and the sweetness of the future will be logical. The starry sky does not ask the passers-by, the years do not pay off, seriously live every day, should come, are on the road.

Days are like the weather, not always sunny, not always rainy. Life often encounters unsatisfactory moments, and the key is to learn to adjust yourself. Bask in the sun when it's sunny and listen when it rains

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