
Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous! Hunan education, among the best. Only one place in Changsha, Three-fold. Zhang Baixi, a heavy minister of the late Qing Dynasty, abolished the eight shares and opened a new school. Chuangmeng, primary, secondary to university

author:Entering the clouds of the hall poplar shuhua

Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous!

Hunan education, among the best. Only one place in Changsha, Three-fold. Zhang Baixi, a heavy minister of the late Qing Dynasty, abolished the eight shares and opened a new school. Create a complete education system from Mongolian studies, primary schools, middle schools to universities; Yang Changjihong ethics, strengthen physical fitness, prepare for the establishment of Hunan University, guide young students to devote themselves to the revolution, and make meritorious contributions to the cause of education in New China; Xu Teli, with great enthusiasm, followed the party, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of education in New China.

Nong Yin Xinzheng, Changsha Huxiang Cultural Exchange Association, chased after Xian Mugu, and went to Chunhua Town to visit the tomb of Zhang GongBaixi. Along the way, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the farmhouses are like a look. At dusk, ask the farmer, and you will be able to eat together. But seeing his house, no matter how big or small, is the fragrance of books, and its joy is also harmonious. The farmhouse is hospitable, the wine is not scattered, the bonfire is burning, the song and dance are carried out, and the poetry is paired, all young and old. Oh, this situation is harmonious, how can it be lingering.

is for a small note.

Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous! Hunan education, among the best. Only one place in Changsha, Three-fold. Zhang Baixi, a heavy minister of the late Qing Dynasty, abolished the eight shares and opened a new school. Chuangmeng, primary, secondary to university
Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous! Hunan education, among the best. Only one place in Changsha, Three-fold. Zhang Baixi, a heavy minister of the late Qing Dynasty, abolished the eight shares and opened a new school. Chuangmeng, primary, secondary to university
Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous! Hunan education, among the best. Only one place in Changsha, Three-fold. Zhang Baixi, a heavy minister of the late Qing Dynasty, abolished the eight shares and opened a new school. Chuangmeng, primary, secondary to university

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