
History is sometimes so similar, the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty are almost the same idea. After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Jin people who moved south did not want to launch the Northern Expedition and recover the Central Plains. However, due to the fact that the clan has settled in Jiangnan

author:Weicheng remembers the city towards the rain

History is sometimes so similar, the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty are almost the same idea. After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Jin people who moved south did not want to launch the Northern Expedition and recover the Central Plains. However, due to the fact that the clan has settled in the south of the river, the rich assets of the south make it less willing to return to the north. Although after the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were still many Northern Expeditions, but they failed to successfully recover the Central Plains. After the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Han and the main war faction in the north hoped to launch the Northern Expedition to recover the Central Plains, but the rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty also only wanted to take the south of the River, and even did not hesitate to kill the famous anti-Jin general Yue Fei, and paid tribute to the Jin State, although after the death of Emperor Gaozong of Song, the subsequent rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty also launched several Northern Expedition wars, but they could not recover the Central Plains.

History is sometimes so similar, the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty are almost the same idea. After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Jin people who moved south did not want to launch the Northern Expedition and recover the Central Plains. However, due to the fact that the clan has settled in Jiangnan

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