
Six poems written in adversity are suddenly enlightened after reading

If you use one word to describe the epidemic in recent years, it can be said that it is "three twists and turns". If you use one word to describe the 2021 that has just passed, it can be said to be "adversity".

Indeed, the epidemic in recent years may be a "big problem" for people all over the world, one tricky thing after another, passing through one level and waiting for the next level.

Today, I will enjoy these 6 poems about adversity with you.

May we solve the current predicament as soon as possible, and everything will suddenly open up.

Six poems written in adversity are suddenly enlightened after reading

Man Jiang Hong, Write Nostalgia

Song Dynasty: Yue Fei

Boil over

Rest in the bar, Xiao Xiao rain.

Look up,

The sky roared, and the grandeur was fierce.

Thirty meritorious deeds of dust and earth,

Eight thousand miles of clouds and moons.

Mo waits,

White teenager's head, empty and sad!

Jing Kang shame, Still Snow.

When will the courtiers hate, when will they be extinguished!

Drive a long car and step through the Helan Mountain.

Zhuangzhi hunger meal carrot meat,

Laughing and thirsting for Hun blood.

To be started,

Pack up the old mountains and rivers and face the sky.

It is said that this poem "ManJiang Hong" was written during Yue Fei's Second Northern Expedition. He was isolated and framed by traitors and had to withdraw his troops.

Faced with adversity, Yue Fei, who was unpaid and indignant, did not get discouraged or give up, and shouted out the most firm roar with his own enthusiasm and sonorous strength:

As long as Jing Kang's shame is not washed away by the snow for a day, my resentment will not disappear for a day. One day, I will drive a long car and break through the enemy's camp!

The road is difficult

Tang Dynasty: Li Bai

Golden bottle sake bucket ten thousand, jade plate zhen shame straight ten thousand dollars.

Stopping the cup and throwing the spoon can not eat, drawing the sword and looking around at a daze.

If you want to cross the Yellow River Ice Plug River, you will climb the Taihang Snow Mountain.

Idle to fish on the Bixi, suddenly take a boat to dream of the day.

It is difficult to walk, it is difficult to walk, how wrong is it, and now it is safe?

Long winds and waves will sometimes hang directly on the clouds and sails to the sea.

It is difficult to walk, it is difficult to walk, how wrong is it, and now it is safe? After reading "Walking Hard", I knew that Li Bai, an immortal, also had a time of resentment.

This poem was written when Li Bai was not reused by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, was ostracized by courtiers, and was finally given gold to return. In the face of adversity, Li Bai did not complain about himself.

He made a confident voice: no matter how difficult the road of life is, there will always be times to ride the wind and waves.

Six poems written in adversity are suddenly enlightened after reading

Water tune song head Huangzhou Kuaizaiting presented Zhang Weiyi

Song Dynasty: Su Shi

The sunset embroidery curtain rolls, and the pavilion is empty under the water.

Zhijun made a new work for me, and the windows were wet and blue.

Long remember Pingshan Hall,

Pillow Jiangnan smoke and rain, there is no lonely hong.

Recognize the drunken language, the mountain color has no middle.

A thousand acres, all mirrored, poured blue peaks.

Suddenly, the waves rose and danced a white-headed man.

Can laugh at lantai prince, unsolved Zhuang Sheng tianlai,

Gangdao has males and females.

A little bit of mighty qi, a thousand miles fast wind.

If there are poets who are famous for experiencing "adversity", it is Su Dongpo. But he always "became more and more courageous", and wrote poems that were passed down from generation to generation in every adversity.

This "Water Tune Song Head" was written during Su Shi's relegation to Huangzhou.

Su Dongpo, a "professional who degraded", was very calm in the face of adversity: as long as a person has the aura of grandeur, no matter what kind of situation he is in, he can calmly deal with it and enjoy the wind of a thousand miles of happiness.

Reward Lotte Yangzhou first saw the gift at the table

Tang Dynasty: Liu Yuxi

Bashan Chushui was desolate and abandoned for twenty-three years.

Nostalgic empty chanting flute fu, to the countryside to turn like rotten Ke people.

Thousands of sails passed on the side of the sinking boat, and the sick tree was in front of wanmu spring.

Listen to a song today, and temporarily rely on the spirit of a cup of wine.

Writing that when he returned to Luoyang after being deposed, Liu Yuxi did not indulge too much in a depressed mood, but quickly perked up and cheered himself up and Bai Juyi, who was also deposed: things are always developing and changing.

You see thousands of new trees growing in front of the withered trees, and after this hurdle, we can also welcome new good times.

Six poems written in adversity are suddenly enlightened after reading


Tang Dynasty: Liu Zongyuan

The fisherman night is in the west of the rock, and Xiao Ji Qingxiang burns Chu bamboo.

Smoke sales sunrise does not see anyone, but a sound of green water.

Looking back at the middle stream under the sky, there are no heartless clouds on the rocks.

Liu Zongyuan, who was also belittled, sent love to the landscape and changed his way to live through adversity. He focused on life, learning the most leisurely fisherman to ride the boat, chasing the white clouds and mountain winds, unrestrained and free.

plum blossom

Tang Dynasty: Cui Daorong

The first few calyxes contain snow, and it is difficult to draw a single specimen.

There is no rhyme in the incense, and the clear pole does not know the cold.

Horizontal flute and melancholy listening, oblique branches leaning on the sick to see.

Shuo wind is like a solution, easy to destroy.

In a difficult situation, in addition to extricating yourself, it is very important to maintain your integrity. Cui Daorong, due to the chaos of the war, has a talent but cannot be used.

But he never gave in: he was like the plum blossom that bloomed in the cold, not afraid of power, not losing his integrity, innocent and upright.

Six poems written in adversity are suddenly enlightened after reading

In the face of adversity, you cannot be anxious, you cannot be discouraged, and you cannot give up.

No matter how many hurdles are still to be crossed this year, and how many levels are still to be crossed, let us maintain our fighting spirit and face them calmly.

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