
Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

It is the spring school season again, and many children have embarked on a new journey in life and become a qualified kindergarten child. For younger children, it is really a challenge to start, and it is even more a torture for parents.

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

It turns out that before going to kindergarten, many children have just quit diapers and have not yet developed good toilet habits. At home, there are parents who supervise the whole process and can remind the child of going to the toilet at any time. But in kindergarten is different, the teacher needs to take care of a lot of students, can not pay attention to each child in time.

As a result, there is a phenomenon of children wetting their pants, and some parents will blame the teacher for the problem, thinking that it is the teacher's irresponsibility. But in fact, although the teacher can't pay attention to everyone, they will also remind them in a timely manner, hoping that the child can remember the toilet.

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Therefore, the problem is not with the teacher at all. And some children, they obviously have a physiological reaction, but they are not willing to go to the toilet, preferring to pee their pants, rather than solve physiological problems at school. For such a situation, the teacher is also particularly helpless.

Why do most children not want to go to the toilet in kindergarten?

Reason one: the independence is too poor

The most direct reason should be the lack of independence. Children who have just entered kindergarten are generally between the ages of two and a half and three, and many of their abilities are not perfect. Simply put, they may not even have the ability to put on and take off their pants, how dare they go to the toilet?

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Reason two: afraid of being teased by classmates

Don't look at the age of the child, but they already have a "sense of shame" and are particularly good-looking. I don't want to go to the toilet at school, I am afraid of being teased by my classmates and afraid of being ridiculed by others. In fact, children do not have bad habits, just simply express what they think, but the result is self-defeating.

Reason three: do not adapt to the toilet

Even for children whose families are in the countryside, parents will also prepare a small toilet for them intimately, so they are used to sitting and going to the toilet. But the school is different, the environment is a little worse after all, and most of them are squatting pits, many children are particularly uncomfortable, under comprehensive consideration, can only choose to "hold back".

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

In the eyes of parents, going to the toilet is a particularly simple thing, why is it so difficult to get to the child? Turns out the problem is here. To put it bluntly, it is the problem of children's lack of independence and security. If they are independent enough, many things can be solved, and naturally there is no phenomenon of peeing pants.

In addition, there is the problem of security, many parents do not think so, feel that "security" is dispensable. As everyone knows, on the road to children's growth, security is the most important thing, which directly affects the happiness of children. If there is no sense of security, the child will be particularly inferior in the heart, and it is difficult to become cheerful and confident.

Therefore, don't always accuse children of peeing their pants, parents should think about whether there is a problem with their education. In daily life, have you carefully cultivated your child's hands-on ability and independence? Have you ever given your children more companionship to make them feel secure?

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

How to solve the problem of children wetting their pants in kindergarten? These methods should be put away

1, to communicate with children more

After going to school, the day is spent in kindergarten, and parents should seize the time with their children's star chefs. On the way to school in the morning, at dinner in the evening, and before going to bed, parents should communicate more with their children and understand their hearts. At the same time, it is also necessary to convey the idea that no matter what happens in school, please seek the help of the teacher in time.

Parents' communication with their children is also a way to exercise their expression ability and thinking ability. The smoother the communication, the better the child's performance in school, whether it is asking the teacher for help or communicating with the children.

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

2. Cultivate children's independence

At home, parents try to withdraw from their children's lives and leave them with opportunities. The matter of going to the toilet is ultimately the privacy of the child, and they need to complete it independently. Parents can be kindly reminded, but the whole operation of the toilet is appropriate and is operated by the child alone.

Only in this way can the child slowly go to the toilet independently. Even in kindergarten, as long as there is a physiological need, the child can quickly solve it, rather than passively peeing his pants.

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

3. Give your child more encouragement

Instead of accusing children of bad pants wetting, encourage them to express themselves boldly and strive to break through the current situation. Seriously tell them: going to the toilet is a normal need, don't be shy, don't feel afraid. By the way, you must also tell your children about the harm of holding urine, so that they can dispel the idea of holding urine.

The encouragement of parents will give the child great courage to overcome the fear in his heart and no longer fear the toilet. Remember, there are material rewards for encouragement in addition to words and movements.

Would your child rather pee his pants than go to the toilet in kindergarten? The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Written at the end: Kindergarten pants grassing is normal, parents do not have to think too complicated, let alone reprimand children. At this stage, they need the education of adults in order to become omnipotent little adults.

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