
SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

Recently, major manufacturers have taken advantage of the festive day of the Spring Festival to announce sales in January 2022. Although this is only the "school entrance examination", it can be seen that car companies have made sufficient efforts for the results, after all, many car companies have achieved a good start. Then, Xiaobian will also take a look at the sales performance of SAIC Last Month. According to the book data, SAIC Motor sold 456,000 units in January, an increase of 13% year-on-year, and the terminal delivery reached 518,000 units.

Among them, SAIC's wholesale sales of passenger cars reached 68,000 units, an increase of 18% year-on-year; at the same time, its new energy vehicles also ushered in hot sales, with single-month sales of more than 72,000 units, an increase of 25.5% year-on-year; and overseas market sales exceeded 65,000 units, an increase of 74.4% year-on-year.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

The field of new energy is still a key battlefield

From the perspective of specific brands, SAIC Maxus sold 18,000 units, up 44.3% year-on-year. In terms of new energy, SAIC-GM-Wuling maintained its advantage, with SAIC Volkswagen selling nearly 9,000 vehicles and SAIC-GM new energy vehicles selling more than 4,000 vehicles.

Looking back at SAIC's sales last year, it will be found that its overall downward trend is declining, but Sai Weng is not blessed. On the one hand, the independent sector, the new energy sector and the export sector have a good performance, such as Roewe RX5, i5 and MG ZS, MG5 and other models sold more than 10,000. Not only that, with the blessing of Hongguang MINI EV, SAIC Motor's new energy sector has been upgraded. On the other hand, due to the impact of the epidemic and the shortage of fuhe chips, the sales of joint venture brands have declined. If the chip supply problem is alleviated, SAIC May have a good market performance this year.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

In fact, with the promotion of the "double carbon" policy, the new energy sector of many car companies has ushered in an outbreak, and SAIC Motor group proposed the core strategy of the new four modernizations as early as 2018. Based on this strategy, SAIC Motor has made innovations from the two aspects of focus and business philosophy. Therefore, it is expected that SAIC Motor will be able to achieve good results in the field of new energy.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

In addition, SAIC Motor has not only carried out a new energy layout for its brands, but also promoted low-carbon travel, the most successful of which is SAIC-GM-Wuling. What is the success of the Hongguang MINI EV? It can be explained in two words, that is, "cheap". After all, with 28,800 yuan, you can buy a car of your own, which is undoubtedly a great temptation for consumers. Therefore, many consumers will choose this car as a means of transportation, to a certain extent, to help SAIC Solve the double point problem. In order to take advantage of the chase, SAIC-GM-Wuling has also launched wuling nano EV, Baojun KiWi EV and other cars.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

Look for new breakout points

From the perspective of sales volume, SAIC's sales in January showed an upward trend, which may represent its strategic layout gradually playing a role. In the face of the new year, where can SAIC continue to make breakthroughs?

In the current environment, chip shortages and rising raw material prices are the main reasons affecting many joint venture brands, so it is still important to alleviate chip supply problems. In addition, traditional joint venture brands have also been violently attacked by new energy vehicles and independent brands. However, joint venture brands are only now beginning to innovate and transform, is it too late?

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

Judging from the development trend of the global automotive industry, this is not too late. After all, the development of the automotive industry is still accelerating, and there is still a large amount of capital and enterprises that are pouring in. But it doesn't seem like an easy task to grab more market share in a short period of time. Not only to make breakthroughs in products, but even in marketing models.

In fact, in the Hongguang MINI EV, it can be seen that SAIC's channel layout control and distinct and changeable marketing network are very good. According to the data of official publicity, it can be seen that its marketing method is very "circle-breaking". It adopts a product strategy of leveraging strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and makes the brand image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through a variety of marketing methods such as cross-border marketing, event marketing, event marketing and community marketing. It can be seen that innovation and transformation can break the game.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

In addition, SAIC motor still has a lot of room for growth in the field of new energy and overseas markets. Last year, automobile exports showed rapid growth year-on-year, with exports exceeding 2 million for the first time. Thanks to the continuous recovery of the world economy, countries have increased their support for new energy vehicles. Therefore, new energy vehicles may become a new driving force for the growth of mainland exports, and the China Automobile Association is expected to increase the mainland's automobile exports by about 20% this year. From the above, we can know that SAIC Motor holds the new energy sector and overseas markets, and believes that there will be a breakthrough this year.

SAIC Motor sold 456,000 vehicles in January, and new energy and overseas markets are the highlights.

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In the new year, SAIC may have to think about the next direction of development. After all, everyone is more concerned about what companies can do, what they want to do, and what they can bring to the industry or consumers. Although SAIC Motor has had a very brilliant era, it has gradually dimmed with the rise of other manufacturers. In terms of the bottom line, it is almost impossible for SAIC to abandon the fuel sector, because there are still many consumers in this field. However, while strengthening the fuel sector, it is also moving closer to the "new four modernizations". If we find a breakthrough point and hope to usher in the highlight moment again, we may as well wait and see

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