
After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

The happy Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end in a burst of laughter ~ Parents will also readjust their state and return to work.

However, the sticky little god beast at home was not happy: "Mom, play with me, don't go to work!" "The parting scene is often very noisy...

Children who stay at home with their grandparents, without the discipline of their parents, have already made trouble at home, do not eat, do not sleep, play mobile phones for a day... The good habits of work and rest developed at home are all lost!

Kindergarten reminds parents to do the following 6 things, let children develop good living habits, easy to enter the kindergarten after winter vacation, do not panic Oh ~ ~ ~

1. Make a reasonable schedule

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

After parents return to work, it is best to help their children make a schedule or daily schedule. Starting from getting up every day, list the things that the child needs to complete at home that day, meticulously to the point in time, and then ask the grandparents at home to supervise the child to complete.

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

Regular self-care content can not be less, such as wearing their own clothes, folding quilts, washing, eating, going to the toilet, tidying up toys, etc. It can also help parents do what they can, such as setting dishes and chopsticks, washing fruits, watering flowers, and taking things. You can also do some proper housework, such as sweeping the floor, wiping the table, and washing your own little socks.

It is recommended that parents make these "small tasks" into the plan, so that children can have things to do at home, and their self-care ability is exercised. Because, true growth can only rely on yourself!

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

2. Be wary of bad habits making a comeback

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

During the holidays, children are prone to develop some bad habits, parents are not at home at work, children are easy to indulge themselves, and grandparents will also lax their discipline of their children.

For example, let the child sleep late, and then delay sleeping at night, irregular work and rest; "addicted" to mobile phones and television, not only damage the child's vision, but also have some negative effects on the child's imagination and thinking ability. These bad habits must be eliminated, otherwise it will be difficult for children to adapt after the school starts.

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

3. Do not get used to children in eating

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

Mom and Dad go to work, and grandparents eat a variety of snacks and drinks at home by the child, which may bring a burden to the child's stomach. If the child eats too many snacks and does not like to eat, the daily intake of nutrients is unbalanced, which will cause malnutrition.

Parents should remind grandparents that snacks should be combined with the meal as much as possible to not affect the meal. The daily diet should be composed of four major types of foods, namely cereals, milk, meat (or eggs or fish), vegetables and fruits, and the diet should be diversified, so as to play a complementary role in nutrition of various foods and make their nutrition fully balanced.

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

4. Outdoor sports can not be less

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

Some grandparents are afraid that their children are frozen, and they lock their children at home all day and do not go out to move. In this way, the child will not be able to get exercise, which is very detrimental to physical health. Arrange some physical exercise appropriately and encourage him to play with children of the same age in the community.

When exercising outdoors, it is conducive to enhancing the child's body adjustment ability and adaptability to the environment. It can also promote calcium and phosphorus in the body, which is conducive to the development of children's bones and can grow tall!

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

5. Grandchildren picture book reading time

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

Grandparents at home with children, you can tell a story to the children at a fixed time every day, whether it is the king of the stove, the god of doors, or the god of wealth, the legend of the custom is really tireless!

You can also open a warm and traditional time of reading together through some picture books full of New Year's flavor, and the two generations can regain the New Year's flavor together and have a meaningful Spring Festival holiday in the Year of the Tiger.

After the holiday, the kindergarten reminds parents to do these 5 things well! (Transfer parent)

During the winter vacation, the knowledge and awareness of epidemic prevention can not be less, and children can be taught to do a good job of personal hygiene protection and stay away from the virus by using epidemic prevention picture book stories.

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