
Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

Written by / Deng Jingquan

Editor/ Zhang Nan

Design / Shi Yuchao

Automotive intelligence not only drives industrial change, but also brings new space for urban development, and intelligent vehicles have become an important carrier for smart city development. Recently, in the "Notice of the Second Batch of Pilot Cities for the Coordinated Development of Smart City Infrastructure and Intelligent Connected Vehicles" jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 10 cities in Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Nanjing, Jinan, Hefei, Cangzhou, Wuhu and Zibo have been identified as the second batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent connected vehicles.

The "Notice" mentions that the pilot cities should establish and improve the overall coordination mechanism, implement safeguard measures such as funds, ensure that the pilot work achieves results, and form a replicable and generalizable model and experience. Such a huge amount of infrastructure has been carried as the historical mission of strategic breakthrough as the will of the state, so observing and judging the main direction of attack of the pilot cities has reference significance for commercial innovation.

The connotation of smart cars and smart cities

A new generation of information technology infrastructure, communication network infrastructure represented by 5G, industrial Internet, and Internet of Things, computing infrastructure represented by data centers and intelligent computing centers, and new technology infrastructure represented by cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

Perception-based infrastructure and network infrastructure, vehicle-road collaboration, intelligent logistics, intelligent bus, etc.

The urban information platform gathers dynamic and static data such as urban roads, transportation, public facilities, municipal facilities, and geographic information.

The pilot will greatly change the travel ecology of urban residents, 5G, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, not only an important support for vehicle-road collaboration, but also a necessary infrastructure for smart cities, exploring the extent to which it can change the face of a city.

The latest pilot city track stands out

Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

The previous batch of pilot city tracks

Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

With the rapid development of the commercial vehicle networking industry with 5G technology, nearly 20 provinces and cities have introduced vehicle networking industry planning policies, and nearly 30 cities have introduced automatic driving test policies to open public road test sections. More than 1,000 test licenses have been issued nationwide for more than 3,000 kilometers of open test roads.

At present, there is a track with commercial value

Track 1: Vehicle-road collaboration C-V2X (cellular vehicle networking) commercial landing

Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

The landing of C-V2X has been continuously improved, from the end of the car to the end of the road, the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain have begun to link. With the help of this technology, the vehicle receives the road traffic information in front of it, predicts the risks outside the range of the sensor, helps users avoid congestion, reduces the risk of traffic accidents, improves the overall traffic frequency, and solves the problem of urban road traffic management. Smart travel solutions to realize the interconnection of people and vehicles. Under the smart car and smart road, two-wheel drive, 5G+C-V2X has the potential to become a smart transportation and intelligent driving development model with Chinese characteristics.

Track 2: Event Data Recording System (EDR)

With the rapid evolution of new technologies for autonomous driving, smart cars have gradually entered the digital era from the formation to the architecture. EDR solves many difficult problems and has an irreplaceable role in accident determination: providing the accurate time of the accident, especially as evidence in the absence of witnesses to disputes, and maximizing the protection of the interests of those who comply with traffic laws.

Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

With the data accident data analysis provided by EDR, problems in the traffic management system can be found and used as a basis for improving the traffic environment. By analyzing the EDR data of the car, it can be found whether the driver has bad habits of controlling the vehicle, and suggestions for improvement are proposed to prevent accidents.

Judging from the foreign automobile market, the localization of the unit price of EDR is calculated according to 5,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan, and the current annual output of mainland automobiles exceeds 20 million, and the market space is 100 billion yuan to 200 billion yuan. The universal installation of new cars will drive the relevant industrial chain, including the entire industrial chain of automotive EDR hardware, software, chips and data processing.

Track 3: Intelligent Logistics Park

Under the tide of intelligent digitalization, simple warehousing and transportation have begun to develop into the park's supply chain ecosystem. Industrial agglomeration is upgraded to the digital supply chain industrial park, solving the problem of waste of resources in the logistics park, and comprehensively improving the quality management and core competitiveness of the park.

Track Four: Automotive Biometric Devices

Biometric technologies such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition and speech recognition, and iris scanning are expected to spread rapidly in the car in the next few years. Fingerprint unlock, fingerprint start vehicle are not all good features. Technologies such as facial recognition, iris recognition, and body temperature detection can effectively ensure the safety of drivers and passengers, and detect health conditions in real time. Prevent drivers from driving distracted or drunk driving by monitoring physiological data on the driver's heartbeat, brain waves, and pulse fatigue conditions. Identify the location of the driver's facial features to know where the occupants are concentrating and issue warnings or slowing down or braking when they are distracted.

Track Five: Commercial operation of autonomous driving

Beijing Municipality issued the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Pilot Management of Autonomous Driving Service Commercialization in the Pilot Zone of the Beijing Intelligent Connected Vehicle Policy" detailed requirements for the three dimensions of before, during and after the event, and the compliance of the applicant subject, pilot vehicle, driver, platform and APP, forming a replicable and scalable and implementable plan, which has a good reference value for the commercial development of intelligent networked vehicles.

Looking at the track from the pilot cities – smart cars and smart city business models

At present, more than 20 autonomous vehicles have joined the Beijing autonomous driving commercialization pilot, providing services for the public in the commercialization pilot area, covering the central urban area of Yizhuang, and setting up about 200 travel stations in the residential area of the commercial center science and technology park.

Throughout the bustling business, the business tycoons rise and fall, "you sing, I debut", what has changed is the business model, and what has not changed is the essence of human nature and the pursuit of continuous pursuit of innovation and excellence.

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