
A child's change sometimes takes a long time

The New Year is coming, I wish all readers a happy new year, the Year of the Tiger is auspicious, and the Tiger is full of power

A mom consulted with me

She used to think: point out problems for children, let children change

Children should change quickly, in a few weeks, at most a month

However, children often don't change as quickly

And she is easy to amplify the impact of some things, on the line

So it often broke her down.

As a matter of fact

From my own experience with parenting and a lot of counseling experience

It is true that some problems can change in a few weeks or a month

But some problems take months or even years to change

Some issues may not have changed much in a dozen years.

Some are big problems, some are just small habits

Some moms say

From an early age, let children develop habits such as brushing their teeth and tidying up their rooms

But after seven or eight years of training, I have had a lot of conflicts with my children for this reason

The child still hasn't changed much

This phenomenon is by no means an isolated case, and it should still be relatively common.

Some have worked hard for a long time and have developed habits

But after puberty, the child rebels, and some habits collapse.

The same is true of learning habits

Although we have mastered the method, we can indeed solve and change many problems quickly

But some problems take a long time to resolve

For example, serious questions of calculation and serious questions

Thinking about the habit of studying and so on...

It takes a method, and it takes a long wait

It is necessary to repeatedly let children experience and wake up on their own

Some may make progress

Some don't end up changing much

When the child is older, it takes a long time for some ideas to change

Or even after a long time, it is difficult to change.

At this point, it is useless to rush to change

You can only accept it first, and then slowly use a few years to penetrate

Let the child experience and ponder

In the end, it may not be able to change, and it has to go with the flow

Let your child experience it for longer

After all, parents aren't necessarily right either

Or maybe parents and children actually have a point

After all, the child's life is up to him

We can't manage a child's life

Even me

Nor is it something that can be changed if you want to change your child

Some take a long time

Some don't change much for a long time

However, some of them I don't think are a big deal

What if it doesn't change?

Some are still important

But since it can't be changed, then accept it first

Change what I can change, accept what I can't change or can't change in the short term

Feel at peace with your child

This is the wisdom of life

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