
Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

My first car was replaced in the 4S shop, and then the second car decisively chose to sell to the second-hand car dealer, the 4S shop replacement routine is too deep, I advise the novice small white old car to take to the 4S shop replacement must pay more attention, otherwise regret is too late! How to deal with their own old car at hand is a problem that every car owner needs to consider, the old car has two more cost-effective ways to deal with, the following share a personal experience of changing new cars several times, from which I also learned a lot of industry doorways. Why did I choose to replace the first car in the 4S shop, the main reason is that I saw that many 4S shops were placed in front of the door with "high-priced recycled second-hand cars", "old car replacement subsidies 20,000 car purchases" and other billboards, at that time, I did not understand the market, saw the replacement conditions of the 4S shop is still more tempting, just the first car also opened for more than 6 years, but also to the time to change the car, so I went to the 4S shop to inquire about the sales, to understand the detailed process of the replacement of the old car in the 4S shop.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

I was driving the 2012 hatchback Fox, the landing price was more than 130,000 at that time, the age of the car has been more than 6 years, driving more than 80,000 kilometers, the car is not bad, there has been no serious traffic accident, the car "three major pieces (engine, gearbox, chassis)" have no maintenance records. The 4S shop found the person in charge of the second-hand car to conduct a detailed inspection and evaluation of my car, and finally gave an offer of 54,000 yuan.

At that time, I thought the price was too low, because I had a friend who was in the second-hand car business, and I asked him to show me the car before, and the estimate given was 64,000 yuan. I proposed a price of 65,000 yuan for the 4S store before I was willing to replace, and the 4S store sales directly rejected my offer, saying that they could not give such a high price. In fact, I didn't particularly want to sell the old car at that time, mainly to go in and understand what the replacement service of the 4S store was like, so I took a closer look at the specific replacement process. 4S shop old car replacement background introduction At present, basically all 4S stores in China have second-hand car replacement services, and the replaced second-hand cars can also be certified by manufacturers, such as Buick's Chengxin used cars, Shanghai Volkswagen's easy-to-use cars, FAW-Volkswagen's second-hand cars, etc. 4S stores will vigorously promote the second-hand car replacement business, and also distribute tasks to sales staff, so many people want to change cars, they will drive the old cars to the 4S shop, and then change a new car back. The reason why I chose to go to the 4S shop replacement, the main benefit is convenience, selling cars to buy cars one-stop service, there is not much time difference, and the owner does not need to run around and toss. In addition, the owner's old car can sometimes be used as a bargaining chip, requiring 4S stores to give more preferential treatment, and 4S stores will also have certain car purchase subsidies for replacing old cars. However, the price of 4S shops to buy used cars is generally lower than the direct purchase price of the outside used car market, because you replace the old car with the 4S shop, the 4S shop sells to the used car dealer, and the used car dealer puts it on the used car market to sell, and these transaction processes always have to make a difference in profit.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

Detailed process of replacement of old cars in 4S shops

1. The sales consultant of the 4S store will introduce you to the person in charge of the second-hand car, and the sales consultant will introduce the customer's information and materials to the person in charge of the second-hand car. 2. The person in charge of the second-hand car will analyze the needs of the customer and check the second-hand car information (including: vehicle registration certificate, driving license, purchase tax certificate, car purchase invoice, insurance, etc.). (Note: whether to pick up the car, book the car, enjoy the replacement subsidy policy, etc.). 3. Check the vehicle (model, age, brand, mileage, displacement, manual/automatic gear, etc.), and contact the cooperative used car dealer (fast to the store, high quotation) according to the specific situation by the person in charge of the second-hand car through telephone inquiry. 4. Assist sales consultants to negotiate used car recycling business (used car dealers, used car leaders, sales consultants). 5. Contact you for old car testing, preliminarily determine the basic situation of the vehicle, and then the evaluator will give a quotation. 6, if the owner agrees to replace, then the sales consultant will assist you to handle the second-hand car transfer and other related procedures, the transfer fee needs to be paid by the owner himself, and my transfer fee at that time was 800 yuan. 7, in the 4S store to buy a new car, the sales consultant told me that the way to buy a car can only choose the manufacturer's finance, that is to say, the replacement of the new car can only choose the mortgage, can not be full, otherwise the 4S store does not agree with you to replace. 8. After the old car procedures and new car purchase procedures are completed, the 4S shop will directly use the replacement subsidy to deduct the new car purchase price. In fact, the replacement process of 4S stores is not complicated, but there will be a lot of "routines" in this process, and if you are a novice Xiaobai, it is easy to suffer big losses. 4S shop old car replacement of the seven "traps" trap one, deliberately lower the price of old cars Many dealers in order to maximize the interests, when evaluating the old car, will deliberately exaggerate the problems and problems of the old car, so that you feel that your car has been "broken", worth a few dollars. By doing so, they can legitimately drive down the value of your old car. If you have not understood the used car market in advance, then you are likely to "sell" your car at a low price.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

How to deal with it: Before choosing a 4S shop to replace an old car, you need to learn about some used car market conditions from the Internet in advance, and see what is the average price of the same model that is close to the age of your car or similar to the number of kilometers, so that you can know what the average price is in the second-hand car market.

In addition, in addition to being able to understand through the Internet, before the replacement, it is best to spend some money to find a brand second-hand car dealer or a third-party appraisal agency to do a professional assessment (most of them are free, some third parties have to charge, about 300 yuan or so can be done), you can understand the specific situation of the car in advance, what are the problems and problems, so that you will not be fooled by the 4S store. Trap two, do not sign the old car purchase and sale agreement or play word games generally choose to replace the old car in the 4S store, rarely can complete the transfer procedures on the same day, are waiting for the old car to be sold after you will let you transfer, so according to the formal replacement process, the 4S store will sign an old car purchase and sale agreement with you in advance. This agreement is mainly an agreement that clearly stipulates the responsibilities of both parties and enjoys the corresponding legal protection and rights. For example, after you hand over your car to the 4S shop, if there is any malfunction, damage, accident or other problems in the vehicle, the responsibility and consequences caused by it are not related to you. In order to evade responsibility, some bad dealers will not sign an old car purchase and sale agreement with you in the process of replacing the old car, or play some word games in the agreement, blurring the responsibilities of both parties, it is difficult to divide clearly, once the car has any problems, the owner will inevitably suffer the most. How to deal with it: When choosing a 4S store to replace an old car, be sure to sign a formal and legal old car purchase and sale agreement with the dealer, and carefully read each article in the agreement.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

Trap three, excessive and false publicity of preferential efforts

But it is not difficult for any friend who has replaced an old car in a 4S store to find that many 4S stores will add the word "comprehensive" in front of the new car offer. What is a "comprehensive offer"? In simple terms, if consumers want to discount this amount, they must meet a number of conditions in the 4S store at the same time (replacing old cars is only one of them). It is worth noting that this "multiple conditions" include both the clearly marked out of the 4S store and the terms added privately by the dealer. For example, the procedures are almost done, the dealer at this time tells you how many years of full insurance you must continue to buy in the 4S store, or let you pay the factory inspection fee, the warehouse fee, etc.; there is the so-called "original price replacement, high price replacement, replacement by invoice price" and other promotional titles, in fact, are gimmicks, according to the invoice price to recover the old car, its prerequisite is that the age of the car is within 3 years, the mileage does not exceed 50,000 kilometers, and there has been no serious accident, and even some require new cars to enjoy" Recycle at invoice price". After you meet these conditions according to the requirements of the 4S store, you will find that the actual discount is not as big as advertised. Coping method: When replacing old cars, do not blindly listen to the rhetoric of 4S store sales, be sure to pay attention to the real "trap" behind the "sugar-coated shells", always keep a clear head, and understand the real discounts. And to put the "ugly words in front", carefully ask whether there will be additional additional conditions in the later stage of sales, so that dealers know that you are a knowledgeable "understanding person", so that they will restrain you a lot. Trap four, the old car replaces the new car, the new car mandatory you loan loan to buy a car friends should know, even if the loan to buy a car has the manufacturer's "three years of interest-free" and other benefits, but compared to the full purchase of the car, it is still not cost-effective, because the loan to buy a car will produce a variety of additional costs, such as: financial service fees, GPS installation fees, mandatory purchase of theft, high license fees, etc., these are the profit sources of 4S stores.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

Coping method: Before choosing an old car to replace a new car, you should ask about the purchase method of the new car, whether it can be fully paid, if you originally intended to borrow a car to buy a car, then it does not matter; if you are choosing to buy a car in full, the 4S shop does not agree, then you go to other 4S stores, after all, it is not the only one that does the old car replacement, right?

Trap five, old car replacement charges high transfer fees At this stage, the calculation method of second-hand car transfer fees in most cities is defined according to the displacement standard: 100 yuan for displacement below 1.0L; 300 yuan for 2.0L-1.9L displacement; 500 yuan for 3.0L-2.9L displacement; 800 yuan for 4.0L and above. For ordinary family cars, the transfer costs all add up to less than 200 to 500 yuan, and some 4S shops will charge you thousands of yuan, which is not cost-effective. Coping method: Or the same method, if this 4S store does not agree to reduce the transfer fee, then choose other 4S stores, run more, do not bother. Trap six, the new car replaced by the old car basically does not have any discounts, are purchased according to the manufacturer's guidance price friends who have bought a car should know, in addition to some hot models, basically most dealers will have a few thousand or even tens of thousands of preferential margins above the manufacturer's guidance price, if the new car replaced by the old car is sold according to the manufacturer's guidance price, then the original discount to the owner becomes the profit of the 4S store. Trap seven, 4S shop falsely reported the amount of subsidies for manufacturers, eat the difference in the middle part of the 4S store will falsely report the subsidy of the manufacturer, for example, the manufacturer's replacement subsidy for some models is 20,000 yuan, 4S shop but to the owner said that the manufacturer's replacement subsidy is only 15,000 yuan, the remaining 5,000 yuan in various ways into their own profits. Therefore, if you encounter the above problems in the replacement process, basically the 4S shop itself privately increased the terms, for the manufacturer of the old car replacement subsidy activities, in fact, is very simple, the manufacturer only needs the owner to prove that he has sold the old car (after the household), to provide the relevant procedures can enjoy the replacement of the new car subsidy payment, the general manufacturer's subsidy amount ranges from 5,000 to 20,000 yuan. In fact, the reason is very simple, the manufacturer needs to confirm whether you sold the old car, and then bought your own new car, so that the owner can enjoy the replacement subsidy, but some bad businesses, in order to make more profits from it, they set various thresholds and conditions privately.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

There are other issues to be aware of when replacing old cars

1, the replacement procedures must be complete in order to facilitate the replacement of the old car, before going to the 4S shop, be sure to check whether the vehicle procedures are complete in advance, including the original and copy of the owner's ID card, the unit vehicle should also provide the legal person code certificate, introduction letter and other documents; in addition, there are motor vehicle property rights registration certificate, motor vehicle driving certificate, vehicle original purchase invoice or the original and copy of the last transfer invoice, vehicle motor vehicle registration certificate original and copy, and vehicle driving certificate original and copy. Where another person is entrusted to handle the affairs on behalf of others, it is necessary to hold the original owner's ID card and a power of attorney with legal effect. Since the replacement of the car is to replace the old car, and then get the updated indicators, it should be noted here that you have the qualifications to obtain the updated indicators, if you have a vehicle scrapped and lost before, but have not gone to the traffic management department for deregistration, or a black household vehicle, it is impossible to obtain the updated indicators. In addition, because the replacement of an old car involves the transfer of ownership, it is necessary to clear the vehicle's violation record and pay the fine. 2. Can all old cars be replaced? Not all old cars can be replaced, the replacement of old cars must ensure that the procedures are complete, non-smuggling, theft of vehicles, meet the annual inspection standards, the number of kilometers has not reached the scrap mileage, and exhaust emissions meet the requirements of laws and regulations, can be on the road normally, and the vehicle does not have modifications, violations and other issues, no motor vehicle property rights disputes, such as mortgages, etc., installment payment vehicles need to pay off the full payment.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

3. Prepare the scooter in advance

Generally after the replacement of the old car, you need to go to the traffic management department to file, and then after the file needs to wait for 8 working days to get the updated indicators, before and after adding up to about half a month, if you need a car in your life, then it is best to prepare a scooter in advance. 4. Understand the market price of your old car, how to replace the purchase of a car? The most critical factor is the sale price of the old car. Because the same old car may be in different regions, at different times and different ways of selling the car, the price will vary. In this regard, I recommend that you go to the regular used car market, reputable used car companies, professional used car websites or 4S stores to evaluate the old car. For the valuation of second-hand cars can not be too high, nor too low, for the price of old cars to do around the three companies in mind, and then combined with the actual situation of their own cars, give a more reasonable price. If possible, you can choose a third-party testing and evaluation agency to conduct comprehensive and comprehensive testing and evaluation of the vehicle. Authoritative and objective test reports can add certain value to the car. 5, understand the dynamics of the same brand of new cars, so that "old to see the new" in addition to to understand the current market situation of the same brand of second-hand cars, but also to understand the similar brand of new cars in the current market preferential promotions and dynamic information, etc., to their own old car pricing should also take into account the brand of new cars in the current market a situation. You can't just calculate the replacement value based on the purchase price minus the depreciation price at the time. After understanding the actual purchase price of your old car, you can refer to the purchase price of the old car to consider the most ideal discount for the new car. To put it simply, new car dealers without used car business projects are not very accurate in the price positioning of used cars when replacing and acquiring old cars, and the purchase price of old cars is often slightly lower than that of used car dealers. However, as far as the current automobile sales market is concerned, the old car replaces the new car, and the preferential range of the new car is not much room for negotiation, but the price adjustment of the old car can still be discussed, and the owner can work harder in this area, but it will not deviate from the overall transaction market of the market too much.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

6. The procedures for the replacement process should be paid attention to

Whether it is selling a car directly or replacing a new car, the transfer procedure of the second-hand car is very important. At the transfer stage after the official transaction, the owner must ask the dealer to provide a copy of the registration certificate after the transfer, a copy of the transaction ticket, a copy of the road maintenance fee and the insurance transfer, or sign an agreement at the time of the sale and purchase transaction. This link is quite important, do not ignore that after the successful replacement of the old car, the vehicle procedures should be completed immediately, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future use process. 7. Loan replacement problem If the loan of the old car has not been settled, you can apply to the dealer for advance repayment, and the payment is included in the new car. In addition, new cars can also choose car purchase methods such as loans. 8, anxious to eat hot tofu, anxious to sell a good price 4S stores generally act as a middleman to earn the difference, just to help car owners sell old cars, it can be said that 4S stores are a consignment platform. Therefore, some well-known and large 4S stores may be able to save the time of consignment because of more resources, and whether the old car can be sold quickly has a lot to do with the owner's old car condition. If the old car is in good condition and the retention rate is relatively high, the replacement speed will be faster; if the old car is a relatively unpopular model (low ownership), or the car condition is poor, and you are in a hurry to sell, then you can only accept the price reduction treatment. 9. Can an old car only be replaced with a new car? In addition to replacing the new car, the old car can actually replace the old one. Old cars in the same brand can be replaced with new cars, multi-brand old cars can be replaced with new cars of a certain brand, and used cars between different brands can also be replaced. 10. As long as the national old car replacement subsidy conditions meet the government subsidy standards and scope of the old car, the replacement can apply for the old car replacement subsidy. First of all, the old car must be more than 6 years old motor vehicle, and hold the local effective environmental protection mark, in order to apply for state subsidies when the second-hand car is replaced. For old cars that do not meet the subsidy requirements, they cannot enjoy this preferential policy.

Is it cost-effective to replace the old car with a 4S store or to sell it? Look at the experience of the replacement of old drivers

Is it cost-effective to sell the old car to the used car dealer or to replace it with a 4S store?

If the manufacturer has a replacement subsidy activity, and you are ready to replace the new car, then you must choose the old car replacement, but the old car should not be replaced directly in the 4S shop, you can choose to sell the old car to the second-hand car dealer, and then provide the transfer procedures and other information to the 4S shop, you can enjoy the replacement subsidy of the manufacturer, and the old car can also sell more prices. If you do not want to sell old cars, or do not have the idea of selling cars in the near future, then you can also choose to transfer the old car to the name of relatives and friends, and you can also take the transfer procedures and other information to the manufacturer to apply for car purchase subsidies. Of course, whether you go to the second-hand car market to sell cars or go to the 4S shop to replace them, you must do your homework in advance, understand the actual price of your car, and know what to expect. In addition, in the process of trading, it is also necessary to confirm the details of various fees in advance to avoid losses and deception. Written in the end, everyone should believe in the sentence "pie will not fall from the sky", although the replacement of vehicles seems simple, but it cannot be exchanged at the same price as advertised by 4S shops. Because the conditions of different cars are different, there is a situation that can be exchanged equally, that is, after the price of the old car is evaluated, a new car of the same price is selected. In general, the replacement of used cars undoubtedly provides a fast and convenient way for the majority of car owners who want to change cars. Replacing old cars through brand 4S stores, although it is not ideal in terms of price, 4S stores can still be guaranteed in terms of after-sales service and quality reputation, which can effectively avoid some unnecessary troubles and risks. Of course, you can choose to go to the second-hand car market to sell cars, or you can go to the 4S shop to apply for replacement, as long as you can sell a good price.

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