
#同意农民老了也可以退休, can you also receive a pension # Today's headline platform launched a discussion on this issue, I think it is necessary. In China, the peasant population accounts for the largest proportion, for the community

author:Kumon writing Yue Haixiang

#同意农民老了也可以退休, can you also receive a pension # Today's headline platform launched a discussion on this issue, I think it is necessary. On the mainland, peasants account for the largest proportion of the population and make great contributions to society. And both the intensity of labor and the working environment are not available in other social classes. I believe that promoting the reform of the rural system so that farmers can also get pensions when they are old is a blessing for the benefit of thousands of farmers who "shave food in the soil". It is conducive to fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the broad masses of peasants, relieving them of worries about their lives, going all out to devote themselves to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and making more contributions to the country.

Although our country has abolished pension payments, and the pension system implemented in rural areas is issued by the social security department, it is far from enough to think that farmers who can get a monthly pension of more than 100 yuan after 60 years old and can only get more than 200 yuan after the age of 80 can actually solve substantive problems. Therefore, I suggest that it is necessary to restore the peasant pension system, and it is necessary to rely on one's own struggle before the age of 60, and to use the national pension system as a strong support guarantee at the age when it cannot create value.

If the peasant pension system is no longer restored, then we should accelerate the improvement of the current social security system, greatly raise the standard of pension, and truly solve the problem of the vast number of farmers "old age", which is also an important part of the realization of the goal of "common prosperity" advocated by our country.

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