
These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

The day before yesterday I received a private message from a mother:

"My child is now more than 8 years old, just over 110cm tall, I don't know if it's short? How to help your child grow taller? ”

And similar problems, almost every once in a while I will receive a lot, I can feel that many parents attach importance to the height of their children, but also find that everyone is more or less anxious, afraid that the child will fall behind others, or will not grow tall in the future.

In fact, from a medical point of view, the future height of the child is not completely unpredictable, those who grow slowly in the future, short children, often have some inherent characteristics, as a parent must pay more attention, timely measures.

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

Feature 1: intrauterine growth retardation

Intrauterine growth retardation, also known as "small sample", refers to newborns whose birth weight is lower than the 10th percentile of the average weight of the same age, or less than the average weight of 2 standard deviations, including preterm birth, term sample, expired sample of 3 kinds, of which full term sample is less than 2500 g at birth, gestational weeks of 37-42 weeks of birth of children, the most common in small samples.

Most of these types of children are the result of intrauterine growth restrictions, and they are often incompetent after birth, not only prone to various congenital abnormalities, but also lag behind their peers in growth and development.

For such children, in addition to following the doctor's advice, parents should also make more efforts in nutritional supplementation, try to make up for the child's nutritional gap, let the child catch up with the high level of the same age before the age of 3, and for small samples, parents should also pay attention to the prevention of hypoglycemia, do a good job of monitoring, and seek medical treatment in time once the situation is found.

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

Characteristic 2: Poor physique, easy to get sick

The reason why many children have poor physique and easy to get sick is that they often have the bad habits of picky eating, anorexia, and accumulation of food, which in turn leads to malnutrition and reduces their own immunity, so it is naturally difficult to grow tall.

In addition, some children may also be due to excessive psychological pressure, causing endocrine disorders, which affects the constitution.

So for such a situation, parents on the one hand should pay attention to the development of good eating habits for their children, when the child is found to have symptoms of malnutrition in time to seek medical treatment, on the other hand, they must try to avoid giving the child too much psychological pressure, pay attention to the usual attitude towards the child, are helpful to the child to improve the physique and increase height.

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

Feature three: obesity

It is not difficult for us to find in life that some children have just entered puberty, and their height has not yet increased rapidly, but the "horizontal" has grown a lot, and the "small fat mounds" of obesity can be seen everywhere on the street.

For these obese children, the aromatase in the body fat will be elevated, further affecting the development of estrogen and inhibiting the increase in height, so obesity is often one of the characteristics of children who are not tall.

For such a situation as a child, the most important and effective way is naturally to help the child "control the mouth".

Nowadays, many children are very fond of carbonated drinks, fried foods, etc., these high-calorie foods in the child's body, it is easy to cause the child's body size obesity in a short period of time, parents want to help the child control the body shape, in the diet must pay more attention, in addition to conditions permitting, you can also take the child to do some exercise appropriately, in order to help the child grow taller.

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

Feature 4: Parents are short in height

As the saying goes, "the dragon gives birth to the dragon, the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix", the height of the child will be greatly affected by genetic inheritance, the parents are tall, and the probability of the child's ideal height will be greater.

Therefore, for those parents whose height is not ideal, in fact, from the perspective of innate conditions, the child's height is already a step behind, and parents should pay more attention to the intervention of the day after tomorrow.

Generally speaking, we help children grow taller the day after tomorrow, starting from the three aspects of exercise, diet and sleep, that is, to take children to do some exercises that are conducive to bone stretching, such as ball sports, swimming, etc., and the diet is to pay attention to balanced diets, help children develop good eating habits, let children have sufficient nutritional intake, and finally sleep, because the growth hormone that promotes children's height development is mostly secreted in sleep, so we also have to help children establish good habits of work and rest. Ensure a good sleep for your child.

These 4 types of children, the future height is generally relatively short, parents should do early to deal with it without regrets

Old Miao Conclusion:

Each child's height growth rate is different, some children may grow early and fast, and other children develop late and grow slowly in height.

Parents must pay more attention to this, if the child is lagging behind or ahead of the same age too much, it is not reasonable, too much behind may be developmental delay, too much ahead of time may be overdrawn development potential, need to go to the hospital for examination, timely measures.

Today's topic: What other characteristics do you know that represent your child's future height?

I am Lao Miao, a super grandfather after the 80s, and the most eye-catching male head nurse in the hospital, welcome to discuss the issue of pregnancy together, and please pay attention to Lao Miao.

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