
Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"

Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"


There is a saying that "fate sometimes must have it, and fate must not be demanded at any time." ”

What you will hit, you will eventually get; there is nothing in your life, even if you try your best to pursue, you will get nothing.

What you get is what you deserve. What you can't get, after all, doesn't belong to you. No matter how much you force it, the final result will not change.

There is a saying on Zhihu: "I thought I got what I wanted, but it was just a joke in the dream." ”

If a person lives for a lifetime, he will not get too much of what he wants, and there will be no absolute success. All you and I can have is our fate and the people and things that are closely related to our destiny.

For example, who you will intercede with, who you will marry, and who you will spend the rest of your life with, none of this is something you can decide. All you can do is choose according to the "general trend" of fate.

Just like the "general trend of history", that is the law of social development, and people cannot change it, they can only accept it. This is true of history, and it is also true of life. What's more, the life that belongs to the individual is not as simple as we think. Everything is the result of the combination of many conditions.

In this life, how much money you can make, how much life you have, is "providence".

Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"


How much money you can make is providential.

Some people have a net worth of tens of billions before they reach the age of 40. And some people still need to pay off their mortgages, worrying about whether they will be fired by the company and depressed.

Some people become bosses as they walk, and their reputation becomes more and more prominent. And some people become poor as they walk, not to mention the comeback, maybe even safety and stability have become a problem.

Some people are skyrocketing in entrepreneurship and gradually keeping up with the pace of the market. And some people fail no matter how they start a business, they can only become the boss's workers, and they will be social animals all their lives.

Why is the gap between people so large? There is a gap in ability, and there is also a gap in fortune.

He was very capable, but he was unlucky, and he encountered economic fluctuations as soon as he started a business. So, how could he survive?

His ability is average, but his luck is particularly good, as soon as he started a business, he encountered dividends and flew directly at the cusp of the storm.

In the entrepreneurial world, we often say a sentence: "Five points of ability, three points of luck, two points of destiny." ”

Thirty years ago, before the Tide of the Internet began, there were many people who were tapping into the Internet market. But why did only a few people win in the end?

What seems to be a question of ability is actually a matter of fate. Some are destined to achieve extraordinary, and some are destined to be bland. This is a reality that ordinary people cannot change.

Imagine that we can't even completely control our professions, let alone what great wealth we have?

Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"


How long you can live is providential.

There is a saying that "all things are fixed, and floating life and labor are empty and busy." ”

Everything in this world has its definite number. No matter what we do, we can only be "busy in vain".

Just like "longevity", do you think humans can grasp their own longevity? It is a pity to say that no matter how rich human beings are, they cannot determine their own lifespan.

Just look at 2021, and many billionaires leave before the age of 50 or 60. Can't they afford to use cutting-edge drugs? Definitely not. But even if they are so rich, they still can't control their own life span, and what about ordinary people?

Life, after all, is still a little fragile. To borrow a phrase from the Internet, no one knows who will come first tomorrow and the accident.

It's just that some people deserve to die, then he can definitely kill Ji, even if he falls from the tenth floor. And some people are destined to die, then even if he is cautious, he can only accept the reality that the limit is approaching.

In the face of life and death, human beings are still powerless after all, and they can only live one more day, and they are only happy for one day. At the very least, grasping the life of the moment is the best reverence for life.

There are counts of glory, and everything is providence.

Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"


Han Yu, one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, said that there are many bright moons and this night in a year, and life is not up to him.

On the fifteenth day of August, the moon will definitely be complete. In this life, people need to look at "life" after all, not on the rest of the people and things.

People, the older they get, the more they believe in fate. This is not negativity, but a gradual epiphany of maturity.

When he was young, Zeng Guofan believed that "manpower is very much", as long as he works hard enough, then he can achieve something and outperform others.

After the age of thirty-five, Zeng Guofan believed that "manpower is seven points, Providence is three points", as long as he can self-discipline and cultivate his mind, he will definitely be able to break through certain restrictions.

In middle age, Zeng Guofan put forward a point of view - man seeks to live in half, and Providence lives in half. Man and heaven can usually be divided in half, and ability plus a person's good luck can certainly achieve extraordinary.

However, after Zeng Guofan rebelled against the Taiping Army, and when he was older, he believed that the attack was a major event, and Providence was the seventh and eighth. Sometimes, the number of qi is the key to the rise and fall of prosperity.

Sometimes there must be: how much money you can make, how long you live, are all "fixed numbers"

Zeng Guofan's experience and perception from young to old age just illustrate a truth, even if it is a saint who "makes meritorious contributions to the three immortals", he has to follow Providence and obey the qi number.

All this, after all, is the perception brought to us by the years. At least let us understand that it is enough to live as naturally as we can and live with all our hearts and minds. That's all.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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