
The focus of the eight characters on how to look at marriage

The focus of the eight characters on how to look at marriage

The tradition of Chinese is to attach importance to the family, and marriage has been a realm that people yearn for since ancient times! So how do you understand your marital status from the perspective of eight characters?

First, sit on the fortune star every day, and have good fortune after marriage. Ri Zai Cai is a person whose birth day is Peng Zi, Hehai, Gengyin, Xin Jiao, Jia Chen, Jia Shu, Yi Ugly, Yi Wei, Bing Shen, Ding You, Nong Wu, And Xi Wei, the earth branch of the birth day represents the wife or husband, the day of birth is dry for itself, if the day sits on the fortune star, the husband and wife's fortune gradually becomes better after marriage, and the future wife or husband will manage to earn money.

Second, the eight characters of more than the peach blossom star, the couple likes romance and emotion. There are four situations of peach blossoms with eight characters: 1, the sub-mouse, the rabbit, the noon horse, and the unitary chicken are the four major peach blossom zodiac signs; 2, the moon astrology peach blossom star is a person born in February, May, August, and November of the lunar calendar; 3, the child, noon, 卯, and unitary day are born on the day of the peach blossom; 4, the child time (23:00 to 01:00), the 卯 time (05:00 to 07:00), the noon time (11:00 to 13:00), the unitary time (17:00 to 19:00) the hour is the peach blossom hour. The above is the peach blossom star in the eight characters, there is a mood in the married life, and the other half is good-looking and passionate and romantic.

Third, yin and yang are born on the wrong day and are prone to late marriage. Yin and yang errors indicate that born in the yin and yang error days, the main marriage love will have many twists and turns, yin and yang error days are; Propyl, Ding Ugly, Peng Yin, Xin 卯, 壬辰, 癸巳, 丙午, 丁未, 戊申, 辛酉, 壬戌, 癸海. Numerology holds that people born in these 12 days marry later.

Fourth, sitting on the sheep's blade every day, one of the husband and wife should be stronger and have many disputes. The sheep blade is a kind of powerful god, such as Ding Wei, Nongzi, Bing Wu, 癸海, etc., which is a day sitting sheep blade. It means that one of the husband and wife is stronger, it is not easy to give in, and it is easy to be anxious when one party encounters things, so it is easy to quarrel in married life.

Fifth, the land branch on the day of birth is one of the tatsumi ugly, and the other half has a stable personality and is more caring for the family. The local branch of the day of birth is the marriage palace, representing the other half, Tatsumi ugly is not four words for the library, where such a day of birth, their other half generally do things more calmly, better for the wife and children, life to take care of the family. Of course, the specific is also whether the four-column combination of the two sides is balanced.

Sixth, the marriage palace is affected, and the husband and wife are mostly separated. If the daily branch is the marriage palace, if the daily branch is in conflict with other local branches, the marriage is prone to fluctuations, and the husband and wife are easy to separate, because of work and other reasons, or one party travels more, causing the husband and wife to go their separate ways, gathering less and leaving more.

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