
Meta-hypnotic orange listening: these 10 bad words, hopefully you will never say to a child!

Words can hurt our hearts as well as inspire our hearts. This is nothing new. The challenge, of course, is when you're young, new to the world — the words you hear help shape your self-esteem and ultimately shape your worldview.

Especially when your parents are talking to you, or about themselves. The way we talk about ourselves affects our children as much as the way we talk about them. We are their first role model in this world, we are their first love, their first example. Everything we do is shaping them.

If they hear you say bad things about themselves, they think it's okay to say bad things about themselves. Not thinking their bodies are beautiful, or just because their noses don't look like other kids their age, doesn't mean they're not special.

Meta-hypnotic orange listening: these 10 bad words, hopefully you will never say to a child!

Meta-hypnosis professional hypnotists are there to help highly sensitive children thrive, and I often spend time guiding children to "let go" of the words they are called, from "little devils" to "fools."

In other words, we turned the script over. Let them begin to see themselves as a cautious person instead of believing that "you are a coward".

These are all positive traits that were initially considered negative. You have to accept that others say bad things about you and believe the opposite, because only you can decide how you feel about yourself.

Of course, we are all progressing, and we make mistakes. Never mind. We may still be upset that others say something about us, but it requires them to really know ourselves, and that's okay. The key is to pay more attention to the words that we slip into our children's hearts from our own mouths.

Meta-hypnotic orange listening: these 10 bad words, hopefully you will never say to a child!

To help solve this problem, I've listed the 10 worst parental phrases in everyday conversations in the hope that they'll disappear.

They are:

1. True love to cry

2. Picky (picky)

3. Cowardly

4. Irritable

5. Not classy

6. Problem children

7. Highly sensitive

8. People who like to make a fuss

9. Provocative

10. A child whose milk is not dry

Each of these words has a positive counterpart. The point is that when we 100 percent decide to look at things with a more optimistic eye, we can reduce the likelihood of low self-esteem. Because frankly, kids are building their world in your language.

Shakespeare said it best, saying, "The voice of a parent is the voice of God, because for a child they are the lieutenants of heaven."

Meta-hypnotic orange listening: these 10 bad words, hopefully you will never say to a child!

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