
Chat history 62.5GB, which is a disease

There can be a thousand reasons to complain about WeChat, and the one that resonates the most easily is called WeChat, which takes up too much space.

That's right, on my own iPhone, the one that takes up the most space turns out to be a photo, which takes up more than half of the 512GB. But after I purchased the iCloud storage service, the photos and videos in the album can be stored in the cloud in real time, and now, the most space-taking place has become WeChat.

Chat history 62.5GB, which is a disease

In the past, there was a saying that intel gave as much as Microsoft took. Or, Andy (Grove) gave it, Bill (Gates) took it all, to illustrate that software will always run out of hardware performance improvements, and there will never be such a thing as hardware performance surplus.

Now someone has changed this sentence to: Cook gave it, Zhang Xiaolong took it all.

However, between Intel and Microsoft, it is likely that there was a relationship of mutual promotion, mutual care, or tacit understanding, just like pole vault star Bubka broke the world record 35 times in a row, centimeter by centimeter, and the measure and heat were just right. The need for storage and performance improvements by mobile phone users is a major trend. The storage capacity of the first generation of iPhones was 4GB, 8GB, and 16GB.

From the actual situation of mobile phone users, it is true that Cook has increased the upper limit of iPhone storage capacity from 64GB to 128GB, from 128GB to 256GB, and 256GB to 512GB, and the most beneficial is likely to be WeChat, or WeChat users.

However, unlike the old notebook that can't run the new Windows, one of my old iPhones, running WeChat is still silky smooth, no problem.

Cleaning up can be painful for people who keep chat history like babies, but it's not a bad thing.

People will more or less have a bit of a collecting habit, but some people will develop it into a pathology. I watched a British TV show to save collectors, which recorded a lot of old people with collective habits, and their rooms were full of collected items, from various heels and bottles, to the octopus box paper tapes that could not find the playback equipment, which were piled up there for more than a decade or even decades that had not been used, and the old people almost regarded them as treasures, and did not allow anyone to touch them, even at the expense of rebellion. In the end, their own home is almost unscathed, unable to enter the kitchen, unable to sleep in bed, like living in a garbage heap, which is heartbreaking.

One reason collectors keep trash is that it might be used one day, like your chat history, and one of them you might want to flip through and look at it one day, like an object that can bring back memories of your first love.

Chat history 62.5GB, which is a disease

My WeChat still takes up 42GB of mobile space, but the chat history takes up only 3.2GB of space, mainly by sharing photos and videos between me and relatives and friends.

How? Quite simply, don't mix. Yes, do not mix with any group, senior, low-level, professional, marketable, colleagues, classmates... For those groups that I may not be able to exit, I chose to let them "not show", thanks to WeChat for providing such a function.

Not only do I not mix in groups, I almost don't even send a circle of friends, basically there is nothing that needs to be known to friends.

The copywriting when WeChat 4.2 was released can still impress me to this day: "Once I spent time on Weibo, and now I have spent years in WeChat, you think that you have connected to the world through your mobile phone, but in fact, you are just hiding behind the screen to get a sense of security." It's time to put down your phone and face to face with your friends! ...... Send less WeChat, meet more with friends! ”

As a skillful promotion of the video chat function, you can say that this copy is a bit pretentious, but I think one of the more useful ways to make WeChat is to use it as little as possible.

Breaking away is never an easy task, try to start by cleaning up the garbage. Cut out that 62.5GB chat history and see what you lose.

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