
Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks of 2022

Author | Mahipal Nehra

Translated by | Winter rain

Planning | Yan Garden

Top 10 Web App Development JavaScript Frameworks for 2022. JavaScript supports functional, event-driven, and imperative programming styles, so it is a multi-modal language. JavaScript is a high-level language that compiles just in time and follows the ECMA-script specification. JavaScript is at the heart of the World Wide Web. Statistics show that more than 97.7% of websites already use it for front-end development. But because of the sheer number of JavaScript frameworks, it can be difficult to pick the perfect framework for your website or web application. That's why we wrote this article to help you pick out the top ten JavaScript frameworks.

Top 10 Web App Development JavaScript Frameworks for 2022. JavaScript supports functional, event-driven, and imperative programming styles, so it is a multi-modal language. JavaScript is a high-level language that compiles just in time and follows the ECMA-script specification. JavaScript is at the heart of the World Wide Web. Statistics show that more than 97.7% of websites already use it for front-end development.

JavaScript is no longer limited to client-side development, it is also used for back-end development. JavaScript provides developers with a large number of templates with modules and features to make the development of JavaScript applications easier. Whether you're developing a dynamic website or a web application, JavaScript can be found everywhere. As a developer, you probably also know the impact of JavaScript and its framework.

But because of the sheer number of JavaScript frameworks, it can be difficult to pick the perfect framework for your website or web application. That's why we've written this article to introduce you to the top 10 JavaScript frameworks that currently stand up for the top 10 support ratios.

What is a JavaScript framework?

A JavaScript framework is a platform that provides the foundation for developers to engage in software application development. You can think of it as a template that can be selectively modified by adding code. JavaScript frameworks use shared resources such as images, libraries, and other reference documents and bundle them into a package.

The JavaScript framework makes it easier for JavaScript to work more smoothly and easily. Not only that, but programmers can easily design how applications react on different devices using JavaScript frameworks. Reactive is another reason why JavaScript frameworks are popular among developers.

Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks of 2022

The top 10 JavaScript frameworks for web application development in 2022 are listed below. Now that we know what a JavaScript framework is, it's time to take a look at trends in the use of JavaScript frameworks in web application development. React .js topped with 41.4% support, jQuery followed by 34.52% support, Express in third place with 26.23% and Angular in fourth with 23.6%.











So why do these frameworks rank in the top 10 JavaScript frameworks for web application development, and what are their advantages? Let's take a look!


Launched in 2013 by Meta (the predecessor to Facebook), React .js is an open source, free JavaScript library. React .js is used to develop UI components with high-traffic web pages. React .js is declarative, thus making interactive UI development painless. You can design separate views for each state of your application, and when the data changes, React .js will update those views to render the correct components. React .js is component-based, that is, you can create encapsulated components with state and then combine them to build complex UIs.

Further reading:

React Developer roadmap

In addition to component-based and declarative features that make it so popular among developers, React .js a few other features: including virtual DOM, event handling, JSX, performance, and React Native.


jQuery is another JavaScript library that is often mistaken for a framework due to its functionality. jQuery is not only feature-rich, but also fast and small in size. jQuery makes it easier to handle events, traversals, animations, manipulations, and AJAX calls in HTML documents through an easy-to-use API that can be used in multiple browsers. jQuery makes JavaScript easier to use and easier to learn. jQuery combines many common tasks performed with JavaScript into a single method that developers can call with a single line of code.

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jQuery also has some features including HTML manipulation, DOM manipulation, CSS manipulation, HTML event methods, effects and animations, DOM element selection, AJAX, and utilities.


Express or Express.js is an open, fast, and minimalist back-office framework for node .js for web application development. It was released as free and open source software designed to simplify API and web application development. Express makes Node-based application development easier.

Middleware, templates, routing, debugging, and faster server-side development have made Express .js popular among developers.


Angular is one of the most efficient open source JavaScript frameworks. Operated by Google, Angular is used to develop single-page applications (SPA). It extends HTML into applications to interpret the properties of data binding. Written in TypeScript, Angular implements optional and core functionality that you can import into your application as a set of TypeScript libraries.

Top 15 frameworks for web app development in 2022

Some of the features that make Angular popular include high performance, MVC architecture, two-way data binding, no-code framework, cross-platform, Angular CLI, testing, animation, accessibility, templates, IDEs, and code splitting.


Vue.js is an open source, advanced MVV (Model-View-View) model JavaScript framework. Although Vue .js was developed in 2016, it has become a daily tool for some developers due to the features it contributes. By combining support libraries and modern tools, Vue can be used to develop complex single-page applications. Because the core Vue library is centered around the view layer, it is easier to integrate with other projects and libraries.

Some of the key features provided by Vue .js include virtual DOM, components, animations, event handling, data binding, templates, and directories.


Angular.js is an open source, JavaScript-based front-end framework released in 2010. AngularJS is used to develop dynamic web applications. It allows you to use HTML as a template language and extends its syntax to clearly define the components of your application.

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