
The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

I don't know what everyone's impression of India is, everyone knows something through online videos and news, and indeed there are many unacceptable places in India, such as backward transportation facilities, messy street buildings, ragged pedestrians, simply put, dirty and messy. But India also has gods, and the god operation of the protagonist of today's article has made netizens shout out powerfully.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

We all affectionately call the Indian people the three brothers of India, and today the operation of the three brothers makes everyone admire. The indian third brother changed an 8th generation Civic to a Lamborghini, is it very mysterious, yes, the third brother is finished, we can see from the picture that this eight generation Civic looks almost completely scrapped, the car is full of dust, very very old.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

For what purpose we don't know, anyway, the third brother is done. At the beginning of the modification, the third brother first gave the Civic a big cut, removed the original roof, and saw the interior of the vehicle, the Civic had a more sense of age. The Civic was then remodeled with a new hard-top convertible Lamborghini roof by welding steel pipes.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

Not only does the car's shell resemble a Lamborghini, but the roof is also equipped with an electric convertible that can be automatically opened and closed through ultra-electronic control. And even the car door is equipped with a scissor door, who looks at who is not confused, I have to say that the third brother's hands-on operation ability is really powerful.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

After the car shell welding was over, the third brother began to polish the appearance of the body, and the whole body looked closer to the Lamborghini. After that, our brother began to debug his own Lamborghini with exclusive color matching, everyone thought that the third brother would be a classic red Lamborghini, but did not expect that the third brother chose the silver car paint plus red lines, very feeling.

Car paint spraying, I have to say from the outside to see really like, and then the three brothers began to adjust the interior, the interior is the only deficiency, the modified Lamborghini or and the 8th generation Civic internal structure is very similar, the interior has hardly been changed, the only change is that the steering wheel installed a Lamborghini logo.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

Although the central control did not change much, but also replaced two esports seats with Lamborghini logo, but also arranged with electric folding ears, so that it still looks very frontal, and then after a simple cleaning, this Civic version of lamborghini is completely completed.

After the continuous efforts of the third brother, this Civickini finally appeared, the vehicle driving on the road is still very grand, see here many netizens have been praising the third brother's method, indicating that the third brother's method can go to lamborghini headquarters to apply.

The Indian boy god operated, changed the Civic to Lamborghini, and netizens said that there are many gods and people abroad

Many netizens said that they had seen their chinese rural boys make Lamborghinis with their bare hands before, and they did not expect that there were so many gods and men abroad. The Chinese guy's Lamborghini is made from scratch, and various operations such as making the body installation tire welding should be more difficult than the third brother's.

But it should be noted that I don't know how the relevant laws on the modified car on the road in India are, it may not matter whether the modified car goes on the road, but for China, the modified car is not allowed on the road, if you have a similar idea to modify the car, you can only modify it within the scope of the law, and after the correction, you have to go to the traffic police brigade to register, otherwise if you are found by the police on the road, you will deduct the car fine.

Images from the Internet, infringement contact deleted

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