
"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

Author | Annabésu

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Ah Cheng

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Good evening to all book lovers, welcome to the reading column "Encounter" produced by Fan Deng Reading.

Today, I would like to share with you Mr. Lao She's masterpiece , "Camel Xiangzi".

The famous scholar Xu Zidong once said:

"When I watch "Camel Xiangzi", the first time I see the struggle, the second time I see Lao She, and the third time I see myself."

When he was young, he was indignant about Shoko's ordinary but bumpy life.

When he grew up, he found that Shoko's fate had long been hidden in his low-level cognition.

In the summer of 1936, Lao She resigned from the teaching position of Shanda University and decided to become a professional writer.

He was at a loss about what to write, and he didn't know if he could write famously.

Until he met the archetype of Shoko: a tricycle driver who floated and sank in the times, his life went up and down, and finally fell into a miserable situation.

Lao She collected detailed information, based on his understanding and pity for the bottom, and quickly completed this "history of the struggle of the North Drift" - "Camel Xiangzi".

Shoko was once the embodiment of an upright youth, he was diligent, hardworking, no bad habits, he had ideals, and he wanted to earn a bright future through his own hands.

However, this humble and honest young man finally lost all hope and became a waste that achieved nothing.

Shoko's tragic situation cannot be entirely attributed to the social environment at that time.

His timidity, weakness, stubbornness and narrow-mindedness are the root of his tragic life.

"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

The more ignorant people are, the more they like to pick other people's faults

At that time, Xiangzi came to Beiping from the countryside, and with the ability to bear hardships and stand hard work, it did not take long to save money to buy a tricycle.

At that time, he built a beautiful blueprint for himself: to make money steadily, marry an innocent girl, and take root in Beiping.

However, reality always backfires.

At that time, the Beiping war was chaotic, but Xiangzi ventured out of the car, and the car exchanged for his hard-earned money was taken away by the soldiers.

In the darkness of being imprisoned by the soldiers, he lamented desperately, complaining about this dark society:

"Why do you bully people to this point, by what, by what?"

He complained of his fate, but never reflected on his recklessness.

He wanted to marry a young and gentle girl, but he was dragged into the marriage by the old girl Tiger Girl.

He hated Tiger Girl's father, Liu Siye, hated his power, and could easily influence a person's fate, and he also hated Tiger Girl and hated her tricks.

Shoko places herself in the role of a victim, feeling that her situation is miserable and her fate is tragic.

Is this really the case?

Liu Ye actually treated him well, as long as Xiangzi returned to the factory and said that he wanted to pull the car, Liu Ye never refused, and Tiger Lady was even more devoted to him, and even made plans for the future of the two of them.

But Shoko didn't see that.

He did not realize that although Tiger Lady was strong, she was sincere to him, and the two could work together to live a stable life.

However, he poured his powerlessness in life into others, forgetting that his own life should have been controlled by himself.

Trapped in the emotion of self-pity, but unwilling to think quietly, blindly accusing others, but not knowing how to reflect on themselves, it is inevitable to fail.

Heine once said:

"Introspection is a mirror that clearly illuminates our mistakes and gives us a chance to correct them."

It is precisely because of this mirror that we are prone to see our own shortcomings, rather than pushing the responsibility to others and attributing it to external causes.

If a person always looks for reasons from the outside world, he will not be able to change his predicament in this life.

"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

Inward attribution, self-transit forward

The ancients said, "If you can't do anything, ask for yourself." ”

When things encounter obstacles, the first thing to do is not to attribute external causes, but to go back and reflect on yourself.

When Shoko only buried her head in the car and complained about her bad fate, the other person, through his wisdom and courage, quietly changed his life.

This person is Gao Ma.

When Gao Mama was young, she married an alcoholic husband, and every time she was drunk, she came to ask her for money, and if she didn't give it, she would either beat her up or scold her.

Whenever she mentioned her husband, Gao Ma gritted her teeth.

Although life is chaotic, she does not complain about herself, but thinks about how to work and how to make herself live a better life.

She worked hard and kept Mr. Cao's home in good order, and won the trust of the host family.

Her head is flexible, and her monthly salary removes the needs of life, so she "lets out" the remaining money and earns an additional income.

In the midst of the wind and cranes, Gao Mama lived her life vividly.

On the other hand, Xiangzi is always picky and complaining, and even because of venting emotions to pull the car and run wildly, he broke the main hire, when Gao Ma suggested that he deposit the money into the bank, Xiangzi also ignored it.

In the same era, the same tragic fate at the beginning, Shoko and Gao Ma, two people, but lived a completely different life.

In the final analysis, it is Shoko who is always complaining about others and pushing the responsibility to others, while Gao Mama has found the wisdom of survival in the years of groping and fighting.

There is a saying: "The weak are trapped by themselves, and the strong are self-propelled." ”

When you are stuck in the mud, instead of complaining about being wrapped in your feet, you walk out of the mud yourself.

Find the reason for everything from yourself, know how to attribute inward, and only then will life have hope for progress.

"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

Instead of complaining, change

There is a saying:

"Everyone is the architect and caster of his own destiny."

Shoko's tragic life was also created by himself.

Looking carefully at the narrative in the book, it is not difficult to find that Shoko has had many opportunities to change her fate, but she has been blocked out by his timidity, ignorance and stubbornness.

Behind all his seemingly powerless choices, he actually has a heart that is unwilling to change.

The first wrong choice was when he first came to Beiping to pull a car.

Shoko knows that she is doing physical work, especially needing something nutritious to maintain her physical health.

But he was reluctant to invest in his body.

He often pulled the cart hungry, never dared to eat good things, did not dare to drink good tea, and even if he became ill later, he had to drag his sick body to continue to work.

Tiger Girl has advised him to rent out the car more than once to "eat the car", but Shoko still chooses to continue to sell her labor.

The second time, after he married Tiger Girl.

Tiger Lady asked him to go to Liu Siye's place more, which must be indispensable, but Xiangzi could not erase his face.

Because of his fear of the new, he anesthetized himself with the simplest of labors, and he held a tendon and felt that only the money earned by his own labor was reliable.

He is trapped in his own single cognition, refuses to accept the opinions of others, is self-pitying and arrogant, and is unwilling to change himself when he sees that the road ahead is about to become a dead end.

The I Ching says:

"If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are poor, you will be long-lasting."

Stubbornness may not be brave, but foolishness.

A road to the black, not necessarily waiting for the willows to shine, it is likely to face a high wall.

Many times the idea of taking a turn, another road to go, there may be another world ahead.

"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

Write at the end

Some people say that every word of Lao She's pen is full of love and tears.

Every scene he depicts in the book is the most true restoration of human nature and the most sober reflection on the human world.

Xiangzi is pitiful, but hateful, And Xiangzi is sad, but inevitable.

Always blaming others, in the end can only be disgusted by people, always blame society, can only be abandoned by the times.

People live in the world, and it is impossible to have smooth sailing.

In the face of setbacks and adversity, instead of complaining about the darkness, it is better to carry the lamp forward.

Recognize yourself, reflect on yourself, and change yourself step by step, in order to turn every tortuous road into a smooth road in the end.

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Column Director | Come slowly

Typography | Zheng to the north

Image | The pictures in this article come from the Internet, and are invaded and deleted

Music | Return to Sand City

"Camel Shoko": The more incompetent people are, the more they like to find reasons from others

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