
80% of newborn babies have jaundice, which can be effectively alleviated during pregnancy

Within a few days after the birth of many babies, the skin begins to slowly turn yellow, and some even the eye mask will turn yellow, which is neonatal jaundice.

Neonatal jaundice is relatively common, more than 80% of newborns are present, the general jaundice will automatically subside after two weeks, of course, there are slow 3 weeks to resolve, the most terrible is that it can not automatically resolve.

So-called "neonatal jaundice"

In medicine, the jaundice of newborns under the age of one month (within 28 days of birth) is called neonatal jaundice, which is characterized by abnormal bilirubin metabolism, which causes an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, and the appearance of skin, mucous membranes and scleral yellow staining. There are two types of neonatal jaundice, namely "physiological jaundice" and "pathological jaundice".

1. Physiological jaundice:

Physiological jaundice is mainly related to the baby's bilirubin metabolism, the baby's bilirubin production is relatively large; there will be insufficient ability of liver cells to take up bilirubin; resulting in poor plasma albumin-binding bilirubin ability; 60% of full-term babies have jaundice after 1 week of birth, and 80% of premature babies generally have jaundice in the first week after birth. Physiological jaundice generally resolves spontaneously within 7-21 days, does not affect the baby's health, and does not require medical treatment.

2. Pathological jaundice:

Pathological jaundice mainly has the following characteristics: rapid onset, jaundice within 24 hours after birth; baby skin is particularly yellow, very serious yellow; baby jaundice recurs after receding. If your baby has pathological jaundice, then parents must seek medical attention.

What should I do if my baby has jaundice?

According to statistics, 80% of newborns will have jaundice, generally most of them are physiological, parents encounter neonatal jaundice, do not worry too much, as long as careful observation, judge the type of jaundice, symptomatic solution.

80% of newborn babies have jaundice, which can be effectively alleviated during pregnancy

If it is physiological jaundice, under normal circumstances, there is no need to seek medical treatment, and the baby can resolve on its own. If you want your baby to quickly get rid of jaundice, you can try the following points:

1. Eat more and more rows. If it is breastfeeding, then let the baby suck more breast milk, which will increase the number of bowel movements; if it is milk powder feeding, parents need to give the baby some warm water, which can also increase the number of bowel movements.

2. Feed the baby corn whiskers water, corn whiskers can be fresh, you can also go to the pharmacy to buy, put the corn whiskers in the pot and cook for 5-8 minutes, eat 3 times a day, insist on eating for a few days can clearly see that the baby's jaundice is much better than before.

80% of newborn babies have jaundice, which can be effectively alleviated during pregnancy

3. Sunbathe your baby. Sunbathing to the baby is not always possible, choose to bask in the sun around 7-8 a.m. or 5-6 p.m., about half an hour each time (you can half an hour in the morning, half an hour in the afternoon).

4. If the jaundice does not recede, or the resolution is slow, you must go to the hospital for medical treatment.

In order to reduce the occurrence of jaundice in newborn babies, pregnant mothers need to pay special attention to the following four points during pregnancy:

1. The diet is mainly light, try to eat less spicy and irritating foods and do not eat cold foods, do not drink alcohol, do not eat barbecue

After pregnancy, there is no appetite, nothing can be eaten, see something on the want to vomit, in order to appetize, will want to eat some spicy and stimulating food, but spicy and stimulating food to eat too much, will make pregnant women heat aggravated, hemorrhoids, the health of the fetus will also be affected, the baby will have jaundice. It is recommended that the diet of pregnant mothers must be light.

80% of newborn babies have jaundice, which can be effectively alleviated during pregnancy

2. Quit bad habits, such as staying up late

After pregnancy, many pregnant mothers resigned to raise a fetus at home, stayed at home without much exercise, slept during the day, but at night they began to stay up late to play mobile phones, often staying up until the early morning, or even staying up all night. This poor sleep habit can affect the development of the fetus and increase the chance of jaundice in your baby. It is recommended to develop good living habits during pregnancy, sleep appropriately during the day, exercise appropriately, go to bed early at night, and play less mobile phones.

3. Try not to be picky eaters and eat more vegetables and fruits

Pregnant mothers need to supplement vitamin C, so eat more vegetables and fruits to enhance their immunity. Fruits and vegetables are the most important source of daily dietary nutrition for pregnant women, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins, can enhance the body's resistance, but also keep the intestines clean, stool unobstructed, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits.

4. Pregnant mothers who have given birth to jaundice should pay special attention during pregnancy

If the previous baby has jaundice, especially pathological jaundice, it is necessary to pay attention to its own maintenance when pregnant again.

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