
Removable rearview mirror + large wiper Cybertruck new figure exposure

[Aika Auto Overseas New Car Original]

Recently, an overseas media exposed two latest pictures of Tesla's pure electric pickup truck Cyberruck, judging from the fact that the vehicle is equipped with huge wipers and removable rearview mirrors, the car may be close to the actual sale version of the pre-production model.

Removable rearview mirror + large wiper Cybertruck new figure exposure

The Cyberruck in the picture is equipped with an exaggerated wiper and has more removable exterior mirrors than the 2019 launch prototype, which is in line with the vehicle in the Cyberruck test news we previously released. It is worth mentioning that no traces of hidden door handles were found on the exposed vehicle, but the vehicle's B-pillar seems to have the same sensing area as the second-generation Roadster.

Removable rearview mirror + large wiper Cybertruck new figure exposure

The Cyberruck also did not come with the aerodynamic rim cap on the prototype car of the conference, the rim was double six spokes and painted in matte black. It is understood that the publisher of the exposure image is an employee of Tesla's Texas Gigafactory, which means that the factory may already have the ability to mass-produce Cyberteruck.

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