
Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

Speaking of breastfeeding, some young mothers do not think so much, they feel that there is so much baby milk powder, why should they suffer from that sin and insist on breastfeeding? Is breastfeeding really that good?

Both the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization in the mainland recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed at 6 months of age, and that between 6 and 24 months they can breastfeed while adding other foods in moderation.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

The importance of breastfeeding

The reason why the relevant departments have made such suggestions is not without reason. Mammalian milk is specific and specific, suitable for the nutritional needs of the growth and development of cubs belonging to this species. Human milk has less fat and protein than other mammals, while lactose is high, which has a lot to do with human intelligence.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

The study found that the brains of human babies develop very quickly compared to other mammalian pups. When a baby is born, the brain's brain volume is only one-third that of an adult, and it increases to half that of an adult after 3 months. By the time they are around 3 years old, infants and young children have about the same brain capacity as adults. Breastfeeding plays a vital role in infants and young children during critical periods of brain development.

However, in the process of breastfeeding, many mothers encounter problems such as no milk, swollen milk, milk blockage, breast inflammation and so on. Although breastfeeding is so difficult, they still have to grit their teeth and insist, which means that the 8 advantages of breastfeeding benefit both mother and child.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

A natural advantage of breastfeeding

1. Baby's natural vaccine

Although the production process of infant formula is becoming more and more advanced, its nutritional content is getting closer and closer to breast milk. Remember, infant formula can only be approached, never replaced and surpassed. Healthy enzymes and immune antibodies in breast milk are not replicated by infant formula.

The study found that compared with infant formula, babies who eat breast milk have higher resistance and have a lower probability of developing allergies, colds and inflammation. In addition, breast milk is more easily digested and absorbed by the baby, and the probability of diarrhea is very low.

2. Strengthen mom's bones

During breastfeeding, the body's absorption rate of calcium will change due to breast milk secretion, so many nursing mothers will have higher bone density after weaning than before pregnancy.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

3. Reduce the probability of SIDS

There are many newborns who die suddenly without warning because the cause is unknown and is called SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Disorder). The study found that babies who eat breast milk are less likely to develop SIDS than babies who eat infant formula.

4. Control weight

Babies who grow up eating breast milk are relatively slim and well-proportioned when they grow up, and the possibility of obesity is unlikely, because the content of fat and sugar in breast milk is lower than that of formula milk, and it is easy to digest and absorb. Secondly, compared with breastfeeding, formula is more likely to lead to overfeeding, resulting in infant fat cell increase, becoming the kind of person we often say "drink water will gain weight".

During breastfeeding, mothers consume an extra 500 calories of energy every day, so mothers do not need to diet and can lose weight while lying down.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

5. Accelerate postpartum recovery

Each time you breastfeed, the baby's sucking stimulates the mother to secrete more oxytocin in her body, which promotes uterine contractions and accelerates postpartum recovery. The uterus of a breastfeeding mother can return to preconception size in 6 weeks, while non-breastfeeding mothers can take at least 10 weeks.

6. Enhance parent-child feelings

When breastfeeding, the baby snuggles in mm's arms, and skin-to-skin contact helps to establish a special connection between mother and child, making parent-child feelings more intimate. At the same time, breastfeeding is also a way to soothe the baby's emotions, and for the mother and baby, it is also a good time for the two to be alone.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

7. Affordable

Compared with the price of hundreds of thousands of infant formulas, breastfeeding is free, and the nutritional value and safety factor are the highest. As long as we let the nursing mother eat scientifically, healthyly, and feel comfortable, the high-quality breast milk will continue to be secreted out to meet all the nutrients needed for the baby's physical development.

Why do moms want to breastfeed? 7 advantages of breastfeeding, moms would rather suffer than stick to

Looking at the advantages of breastfeeding above, we know why so many mothers would rather suffer themselves than insist on breast milk.

Is your baby breastfeeding or milk powder? What difficulties you encounter on the way to breastfeeding, welcome to leave a comment.

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