
10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

author:Jace Events
10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

The Chinese women's volleyball team performed well in the recent World League Brazil, and their record of three wins and one loss laid a good foundation for the next games.

Such results make fans look forward to the next games, and they hope that the Chinese women's volleyball team can achieve better results in Macau and Hong Kong and win glory for the country.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

And during the preparation for the game, Zhu Ting's return sparked heated discussions among fans about the captain's choice.

On Weibo, netizen "Volleyball Little Fan Girl" expressed her opinion: "The performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in Brazil is really great! We look forward to their success in Macau and Hong Kong as well! Such comments have been liked and forwarded by many netizens, and everyone expressed their appreciation and support for the performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Zhu Ting, the first sister of the Chinese women's volleyball team, has always attracted the attention of fans.

When she appeared on the 16-player roster in Macau, the fans were boiling.

This means that Zhu Ting is about to re-enter the national team, and her return has caused a lot of speculation and anticipation.

On major social platforms, netizens have been hotly discussing whether Zhu Ting will return to serve as captain, and some even began to bet on whether she can replace Yuan Xinyue's position.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

"Zhu Ting is back! The captain's position is definitely hers! A netizen spoke excitedly on Weibo.

This view has resonated with many people, "That's right, Zhu Ting is our leader, and she should be the captain!" Another netizen agreed.

In the player ranking announced by the Chinese women's volleyball team, Yuan Xinyue still sits firmly in the position of captain, while Zhu Ting ranks second.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

This news surprised many netizens, "How is it possible?" Zhu Ting is obviously more experienced and powerful than Yuan Xinyue! Someone questioned it on Weibo.

But many netizens expressed their understanding and support for this result, "Maybe Zhu Ting herself doesn't want to be the captain, she may want to focus on the game." ”

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

A netizen speculated.

Another said, "As the captain of Yuan Xinyue, her leadership ability and dedication are obvious to all, and I believe that the choice of the coaching staff must have been carefully considered." ”

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

This interpretation has been widely recognized, and many netizens have expressed their support and understanding, "Whether it is Zhu Ting or Yuan Xinyue, they are the pride of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and their choice must be for the benefit of the team." ”

A netizen wrote in a WeChat group.

In the next game, Zhu Ting will silently prepare for the team as a player.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Her return has injected new vitality into the Chinese women's volleyball team, and Yuan Xinyue, as the captain, will continue to play a leading role and lead the team to meet the challenges.

Although the result of the captain selection this time was unexpected, it reflected the cohesion and tacit understanding of the team.

Netizens have called for support for the national team, believing that the Chinese women's volleyball team will have an outstanding performance in the next games and win glory for the country.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Yuan Xinyue, as the captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, has always shown excellent leadership and unremitting dedication.

Her hard work and dedication on the field have earned her the respect and support of her teammates.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

In every game, she is the mainstay of the team, stepping up at critical moments and giving her teammates unwavering confidence and encouragement.

Her leadership style has made the Chinese women's volleyball team more powerful on the field, winning countless victories and honors.

In 2009, Yuan Xinyue studied at Chongqing Qiujing Middle School, an ordinary school in this small city, but it has cultivated an outstanding volleyball player.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

In school, Yuan Xinyue is a low-key and hard-working student, she studies hard silently, but shows extraordinary talent on the volleyball court.

Her coach was full of praise for her performance and believed she had the potential to become a top athlete.

When Yuan Xinyue was selected for the Bayi team, her classmates cheered for her.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

In school, she was an ordinary student, but on the volleyball court, she showed a talent like no other.

Someone said in the class group: "Yuan Xinyue was selected by the Bayi team!" We have one more national athlete to our school! Her classmates were so proud of her that they were going to cheer her on.

In 2013, Yuan Xinyue's upgrade speed was surprising.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

The leap from the national junior team to the national team is amazing.

On social media, netizens sent blessings and praises to her.

"Yuan Xinyue is amazing! Jumping three levels in a row and rising from the national junior team to the national team is simply a mythical existence! Some netizens wrote on Weibo.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Others also praised and left messages: "Yuan Xinyue is the pride of the Chinese women's volleyball team, her hard work and talent are admirable!" Yuan Xinyue's achievements are not only shocking, but also full of expectations for her future.

Yuan's coming-of-age story is an inspiration to many, especially young people who dream of becoming professional athletes.

Her persistence and hard work tell us that as long as we are willing to pay, we will be able to achieve our dreams.


10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

In the next games, Yuan Xinyue will continue to show her strength and talent and win more honors and victories for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

And Zhu Ting's return is undoubtedly attracting attention.

As the first sister of the Chinese women's volleyball team, her strength and influence are self-evident.

When the players were expecting her to return to captainship, she chose to play as a team member.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Perhaps she knows that captaincy is not the only honor, but more important is the overall morale of the team.

She chose to contribute to the team silently and proved her worth with practical actions, and this selfless dedication is admirable.

In the upcoming competition, the Chinese women's volleyball team will meet the challenge with the strength of unity.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

Behind the captain's battle is the tacit understanding and hard work of the whole team.

They know that only by uniting and working together can they defeat a strong opponent and achieve victory.

The players will use their strength and sweat to win more honors for the national team and bring more joy to the fans.

Such a choice will surely bring more motivation and confidence to the next races.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

They will live up to expectations, go all out, win glory for the country, and write a new glorious chapter for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team this time was properly arranged, reflecting the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team.

Fans are looking forward to seeing the Chinese women's volleyball team achieve new achievements in Macau and Hong Kong, win glory for the country, and cheer for the Olympic journey.

10 a.m.! The Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced, and the mystery of the new captain is revealed! Zhu Ting was relieved, and Yuan Xinyue understood

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