
Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

author:Kula commented

The game king CP19 debuted several new cards of phantom heroes, and the number of their own monsters was already quite large, but the purification still did not have much combat effectiveness, fortunately, like the bionic people of the past, the new phantom heroes could also cooperate with other heroes.

<h1>Put on the deck</h1>

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

Deck Text Edition: Main Deck: Heroes of Destiny Blood Demon-D1, Elemental Heroes Sincere New Cosmic Man 3, Heroes of Destiny Demon Man 3, Phantom Hero Dushan man 3, Elemental Hero Sky Hero 2, Destiny Hero Divine Man 1, Elemental Hero Gang Armor Man 2, Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Girl 1, Phantom Hero Bionic Man 3, Phantom Hero Incremental Man 2, Grey Streamer 2, E-Emergency Call 3, Hero Arrival 2, Eagle Banshee Feather Sweep 1, Fusion 2, Reinforcement 1, Mask Change 3, Double Tornado 2, Infinite Bubble 3.

Extra Decks: Kamen Rider 1, Phantom Hero Cult Man 2, Kamen Rider 1, Kamen Rider Kamikaze 1, Phantom Hero Trinity 2, Kamen Rider Dark Claw 2, Kamen Rider Rafale 1, Destiny Hero Jedi 1, Special Hero Fear Destroyer 2, Teen Hero Crusader 2.

※ The following does not repeat the effect of each card, there is a name, if you don't know, just check it

<h1>The new card always has to lean on the bionic man</h1>

[Phantom Hero Bionic Man] as a common accurate pile of all heroes, from birth is a strong card, but in the past there was no good retrieval method, with [Elemental Hero Sky Man] retrieval always need to use the pass, the retrieved bionic man also has no chance to play the pass (of course, with reinforcements or [Hero Arrival] out of the Sky Man does not occupy the pass), now the Phantom Hero's new card [Phantom Hero Incremental] (the effect of this card name (1) (2) (3) can be used once per turn. (1): Can only be activated when you are damaged by a combat effect. This card of the Graveyard is placed as a perpetual trap card on the table side of its own magic and trap area. (2): When this card is used as a perpetual trap card, both sides can only launch it after liberating 1 "hero" monster on their field at the main stage. This card is specially summoned. (3): This card can only be activated on occasions of successful summoning from the Magic and Traps area. From the deck, you can use 1 "Phantom Hero" monster with less than 4 stars) and [Phantom Hero Soloist] (the effect of (1) (2) of this card name can be used once per turn. (1): Discard 1 "Hero" monster other than this card from the hand card to launch. This card is summoned from a hand card special. (2): This card can only be activated when the summoning and special summoning are successful. Select 1 Phantom Hero monster other than "Phantom Hero" from the deck as a perpetual trap card to use on the side of the table in its own magic and trap area. After this effect is activated, until the end of the turn, the link between monsters that are not "heroes" and cannot be summoned from the extra deck makes the appearance of bionic people more convenient.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

The strongest is still the bionic man

<h1>Bionic humans operate according to the situation</h1>

As mentioned above, when the hand card has a unique good person and any hero monster, you can launch the unique good man, discard the hand card hero monster special move, place the incremental person in the magic trap area, launch the incremental person, sacrifice the unique good man special move, and the bionic person of the special move card group will also stand an additional incremental person in addition to the last bionic person.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

The Solitary and Incremental Man opened the way for the Bionic Man

At this time, according to the situation, if there is a hero monster in the back hand and the hand card, you can expect OTK, that is, the bionic man pile [Destiny Hero Demon Man], except for the demon person, the second magic man in the special trick card group, the magic man and the incremental person link [special hero cross man], the cross man special magic man, and the magic man link [special hero fear destroyer], the magic man excludes himself again, the third magic man in the special trick card group, the unique good person in the bionic man except the graveyard, retrieves the fusion, initiates the fusion, Fuse with another hero monster from bionics, demonic beings, and hand cards [Phantom Heroes Trinity]. At this time, the graveyard has Bionic Man, Demon Man, Increment Man, Cross Man and two other Hero Monsters, a total of 6, the Fear Destroyer attack power rises to 3100, Trinity rises to 5600, Trinity can not attack directly, but can attack three times, so it is easy to OTK when there are multiple attacks on the opponent field to indicate monsters.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

Looking forward to trinity backhand OTK

If the lone person discards the hand card magic man special move, then the bionic person can choose to pile the tomb [Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Girl], and use the shadow fog to retrieve [Destiny Hero Blood Demon-D], and then according to the hand card situation, choose the direct bleeding demon, or the fear destroyer + blood demon or blood demon + cross person retrieval, of course, if it is the back hand, it is completely possible to directly summon the blood demon, that is, the demon person except for his own special demon, sacrifice the demon, the bionic and the incremental person, specially summon the blood demon, and then use the blood demon to eat the other party's monster. When there is another monster below 4 stars in the hand card that can pass the move, you can first use the demon and the incremental person to make the fear destroyer, and then make sacrifices to the bionic man, the third demon and the monster of the move, and specially recruit the blood demon to the connection end of the fear destroyer, then there is a fear destroyer's attack power bonus, and the blood demon that cannot eat the opponent's monster first will also have the hit point of the superior monster, so as to expect it to stand and suppress. You can also choose not to be a fear destroyer, but instead use the 2 effect of the Cross Man to sacrifice the second Demon Man for retrieval.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

Retrieve the Blood Demon with Shadow Mist

Heroes arrive special move Sky Man retrieve bionic people, or [Elemental Heroes GangJia Man] special summons card bionic people are basically the same operation, when the hand card has bionic people, you can also use heroes to come to the special trick shadow fog, so as to retrieve [kamen change], looking forward to the performance of various kamen heroes (mainly dark claws).

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

The same can be expected of the masquerade changes

<h1>Other sections</h1>

When the demon man has been sent to the grave by the lone good man and does not want to be a blood demon, the bionic man can pile [Destiny Hero Divine Man], after all, this deck is more inferior to the hand card, the divine man can provide the bottom power when the other party is not OTK, and sometimes if you do [Destiny Hero Jedi] (sometimes you can do The Destiny Man + Blood Demon, with the effect of the Jedi, increase the attack power of itself and the Blood Devil in the opponent's turn, so as to expect the Blood Devil to stand first), the same can be stacked.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

The Divine Man provides some of the underpinnings

When the first hand can specially move the shadow fog, don't think about other operations, the special trick shadow fog retrieval change directly becomes a dark claw in the opponent's turn, and the dark claw itself is simpler and rougher to suppress in most cases than to do a blood demon. This deck of first hand space is not large, more often look forward to the back hand Trinity OTK, so the bubble is full to deal with the other party's suppressed monsters, sincere new Yuxia in addition to improving the Trinity point to assist OTK, but also used to improve the point, battle to break the opponent's suppressed monsters.

Game King Deck Sharing: Phantom Heroes who open the way for Fate and Kamen Riders Put on decks New cards always have to go to the Bionic Man to rely on the Bionic Man to operate other parts according to the situation

Dark claws can be directly dark claws

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