
The action hero of the movie, Schwarzenegger's self-deprecating Phantom Hero!

author:Ping Pong for members
The action hero of the movie, Schwarzenegger's self-deprecating Phantom Hero!

It's a very interesting movie. Maybe not many people have seen it. But the films that dare to play the movie itself are unique.

Schwarzenegger has always given the impression of a muscular macho man, and he did not expect to be able to make such a spoof with thoughts and laughter in irony. And it was in the distant year 1993.

The action hero of the movie, Schwarzenegger's self-deprecating Phantom Hero!

Focused little boy

The Jack Series is a series of films starring Schwarzenegger. In this film, Schwarzenegger's Jack (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is always the savior of the world, and whenever his old rival Benedi (Charles Dance) comes out to do evil, Jack is always able to arrive in time to tell Benedi about the fight. The little boy Danny is a big fan of the Jack series of movies, and he can recite the first three episodes of the Jack series of movies backwards. On this day, his good friend, film projectionist Nick, gave Danny a magical movie ticket, and Danny entered the fourth episode of the unproven Jack series.

The action hero of the movie, Schwarzenegger's self-deprecating Phantom Hero!

Magic Movie Tickets

A magical movie ticket brings a little boy who worships Jack (Schwarzenegger) to a movie that has not yet been released. Take a car chase with Pig's Foot Jack, dodge bombs together, and charge together against a group of mafia and helicopters. He ran recklessly without looking at the road, shot almost a hundred shots, rarely injured, could understand the conspiracy, and repeatedly turned danger into disaster. (The bunch of stacked Arhat dogs are quite creative.) Then the movie ticket takes Piggy's Foot and Jack into the real world. Jack found that it was not the pig's foot himself, smashing the glass would hurt his hands, shooting was not accurate, playing a crash also had to worry about it, the most important thing was that he would be seriously injured or even hang. In the end, the premiere ceremony was a big fight, facing two opponents in a row, and finally winning at the cost of dying. The proven almighty hero is really just in the movie.

The action hero of the movie, Schwarzenegger's self-deprecating Phantom Hero!

It's my hero

Overall, it's a good action movie. Schwarzenegger is still a consistent coach. And the spoof of the "unspoken rules" of various action movies in the movie can still make you laugh~

· PS: Are you moved by such movie tickets?

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