
Heavy! The cumulative access volume of the national regulatory platform for new energy vehicles exceeded 7 million

As we all know, the current new energy automobile industry is a huge outlet, and many models are launched every year, and the number of ownership is also continuing to rise. As of 10:00 on January 21, 2022, the cumulative number of new energy vehicles connected to the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles has exceeded the mark of 7 million, and the cumulative mileage of vehicles has reached 223.5 billion kilometers.

Heavy! The cumulative access volume of the national regulatory platform for new energy vehicles exceeded 7 million

Judging from the vehicle access progress of the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles, the time period for new energy vehicles to achieve a span of one million vehicles has gradually shortened, and the cumulative access scale of vehicles has shown exponential growth. On January 17, 2020, the cumulative number of vehicles connected to the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles exceeded 3 million, and by January 8, 2021, the cumulative access to the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles exceeded 4 million, which lasted 12 months.

On July 2, 2021, November 8, 2021 and January 21, 2022, the cumulative access to the national monitoring and management platform for new energy vehicles exceeded 5 million, 6 million and 7 million vehicles respectively, which lasted 6 months, 4 months and 2 months respectively. In 2021, the number of access will reach 3 million vehicles, achieving a breakthrough of 4 million to 7 million. It is worth mentioning that in 2021, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in mainland China reached 3.521 million units, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, and the number of new energy vehicles reached 7.84 million, accounting for 2.6% of the total.

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