
Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

Bitter melon is a particularly common vegetable, because it contains more bitter glycosides and picrin ingredients, resulting in bitter melon taste with obvious bitterness, so many people do not like to eat bitter melon in their daily lives.

In fact, bitter melon contains more substances that are beneficial to the human body, but also belongs to a taste of traditional Chinese medicine, appropriate to eat some bitter melon, health has more nutritional and health effects.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

What are the effects of bitter melon on the human body?

1. Stable three highs

Although bitter melon does not contain antihypertensive components, it contains more vitamins and potassium, which can enhance the elasticity of the blood vessel wall and expand the blood vessels. It can also promote the excretion of excess sodium ions in blood vessels, which has the effect of helping to reduce blood pressure.

Moreover, bitter melon contains a large number of pectin components, which can promote the rapid excretion of triglycerides and cholesterol components in blood vessels, which can play a role in reducing blood lipids. In addition, the polypeptides contained in bitter melon _P components can play a function similar to insulin and have the effect of helping to lower blood glucose levels.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

2. Improve gastrointestinal function

The bitter melon glycosides and picrin ingredients in bitter melon can promote the secretion of stomach acid, help to help the stomach digest food, and have a better improvement effect on indigestion. In the summer due to stomach heat and cause a decrease in appetite, eat some cold mix bitter melon, has the function of improving appetite.

Moreover, bitter melon contains more dietary fiber components, which can not only accelerate the function of the stomach, but also promote the intestine to speed up the peristalsis. The rapid excretion of some metabolites in the intestine has the effect of improving intestinal function and promoting laxative.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

3. Anti-inflammatory and detoxifying

The quinine contained in bitter melon belongs to the alkaloid substances, which can not only play a diuretic and blood-activating and fresh and bright role, but also has a relatively good anti-inflammatory effect, for some people with inflammation, eating some bitter melon appropriately can promote the elimination of inflammation.

The bitter melon component in bitter melon can promote the rapid excretion of some fats in the human body as well as metabolites and toxic substances. It not only helps the body lose fat and lose weight, but also can enhance the metabolic function of the body.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

But it's worth noting that not all groups of people are suitable for bitter melon.

Which groups of people are not suitable for bitter melon?

1. Pregnant women

The quinine in bitter melon can produce a certain irritation to the uterus, and once eaten, it will cause the uterus to contract at an accelerated rate. For women during pregnancy, once the uterus contracts abnormally, it will cause the normal development of the fetus to be affected to a certain extent. If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, there is even a risk of miscarriage.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

2. Spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness

Although bitter melon can play a role in promoting digestion and improving appetite, bitter melon is a cold food. People with spleen and stomach deficiency are prone to bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea, and once they eat some cold foods, these discomfort symptoms will be aggravated. And if you are in the period of diarrhea, then do not eat bitter melon.

3. People with low blood sugar and low blood pressure

Bitter melon has the effect of helping to lower blood sugar and blood pressure values, so for people with low blood sugar and low blood pressure, it is best not to eat bitter melon in daily life, let alone eat a large amount of bitter melon. Otherwise, it will affect blood sugar and blood pressure fingers, and it is easy to feel dizzy, palpitating, fatigue and other discomforts.

Reminder: Although eating bitter melon often has 3 good effects on the human body, it is best not to eat these types of people!

All in all, although bitter melon is a relatively common vegetable, eating some bitter melon appropriately can not only stabilize blood lipids, blood sugar, blood pressure values, but also improve gastrointestinal function and detoxification and anti-inflammatory and other effects.

But for the above three types of people, it is best not to eat bitter melon in daily life. Otherwise, not only will it not have any health care effect, but it will also have a certain degree of impact on health. When other groups eat bitter melon, it is best to control the amount of bitter melon, otherwise it will also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which is not good for health.

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