
Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

author:Krypton space

For more than two years, under the haze of the new crown epidemic, there has been uncertainty everywhere. We always have a feeling that the road ahead is always unclear, and occasionally it is not certain, even if it is determined, it will change quickly.

Who will have the dialogue? How far into the future is he waiting for? What should we do about the road ahead? Uncertainty is the truth of life exposed by the epidemic, but we don't have to be confused about it, just as Bezos said:

People always ask me what will change in the next decade, but few people ask me what will remain the same in the next decade. I think the second question is more important than the first. Because you're going to base your strategy on things that don't change.

So, what in the world is permanent? Maybe there's one answer – the human heart.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

People-oriented, starting from the heart

Only the human heart is unpredictable, and only the human heart will never change. A small fulcrum in people's hearts can hold up a big lever that pries the world. Regardless of all walks of life, if you want to succeed, you must put people first and start from the heart.

Returning to the topic of commercial office, in the real estate market environment of excess stock, focusing on the functional value of office products, the marginal benefits have become lower and lower; the value of assets can not be sought, can not be urgent.

The most effective way to increase the value of office products is to care for people's hearts and maximize the emotional value.

So how can it be done? The answer is also very simple - back to the actual scene of the office space, back to the office routine of the enterprise user.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

Emotional value Unlimited imagination

Office space is both a material resource and an emotional resource.

Material resources are composed of the geographical location of the office space, traffic conditions, surrounding facilities, space layout, style design, infrastructure, digital soft and hard laying and other elements, and more is a functional value.

Emotional resources mainly include humanistic operation and management, activities and services with room for growth, and the communication influence of the company's own management and team members, in order to achieve emotional value.

The so-called space operation often occurs in the conversion between material resources and emotional resources. The functional and emotional values generated by the two resources together support the vitality and imagination of the office space.

In a company that knows how to tap into emotional value, leaders are good at using incentives to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, while team members trust each other, cooperate with each other, and work towards common goals.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

Don't forget the original heart, compare the heart to the heart

In a diversified office space full of functional value and emotional value, employees can keep a happy mood and enjoy the fun of work.

On the other hand, the sense of belonging brought about by flexible management and diversified environment can stimulate their creativity and imagination, and the performance improvement will be very significant.

If an office space is only playing the role of functional use, then it will soon be replaced; only if it truly becomes an emotional service provider and value provider can it be invincible.

There is no doubt that the world will always reward those who support others with emotional resources.

An enterprise office service provider, in addition to not forgetting the original intention of the star sea, should also have the heart to heart.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

The future has come in Krypton space

The future has arrived, but the distribution is not yet uniform. Then go to the place with the highest concentration in the future to feel, taking krypton space as an example-

In the Krypton space community, the office area has perfect infrastructure to meet the functional needs of users; in addition to the office area, there are also diversified areas such as leisure areas, reception areas, water bars, conference rooms, telephone rooms, roadshow halls, etc., and emotional services are readily available.

In addition, the fashionable and simple decoration style, pleasant color collocation, low-carbon and environmentally friendly decoration building materials, furniture that conforms to human body mechanics... Comprehensive protection of the physical and mental health of the resident members, so that they are free and free, inspire more inspiration and creativity.

A large number of high-quality and stable new economy enterprises are stationed here, and their employees can freely shuttle through the open and interoperable space structure, meet each other, work together to move forward, and explore the possibility of win-win cooperation.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

Kr Space attaches great importance to the service and practice of the growth and development of corporate members, and regularly launches multi-session courses, lectures, growth camps and other activities for the majority of entrepreneurs, partners and senior executives.

In addition, Kr Space also regularly organizes rich community activities to help members relieve work pressure, create a pleasant working atmosphere, and effectively improve employees' sense of belonging and corporate cohesion.

Look up at the stars and keep your feet on the ground. It can be said that working in Krypton space can not only meet the immediate office or leisure needs, but also contribute to the long-term planning of personal growth and enterprise development.

What kind of space will a company attract? The most direct thing is what they use or feel. All the service provider needs to do is: happy your happiness, sad your sadness.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

In the future, the bull ears of the real estate business will not be those who have taken the lead in the first step, not people who are far-sighted, not people with strong wealth, but those who -

People with a heart as fine as silk, people who are sincere and trustworthy, people who are empathetic.

The direction of our hearts has never been a dividend from outward expansion, but a gift from the periphery that is constantly drawn into the core of the vortex.

Spatial value = functional value + emotional value

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