
Zhengzhou University's 2,841 students are preparing to stay in school for the Chinese New Year, and they can enjoy free meals for three days during the Spring Festival

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Su Ji) On the afternoon of January 19, the Information Office of the People's Government of Henan Province held the 65th press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic in Henan Province. As the university with the largest number of students staying in the province, Wang Zongmin, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of Zhengzhou University, answered reporters' questions on issues such as ensuring the service of students staying in the university.

Wang Zongmin introduced that as of now, Zhengzhou University has 9182 students and 162 international students who have not yet left the university, mainly graduate students with scientific research tasks. Among them, 2841 students are ready to stay in the school for the New Year to continue scientific research activities, and another 6503 students are interested in returning home after completing the scientific research tasks this semester.

He said that as the university with the largest number of students in the province, in the face of the difficulty of preventing cross-infection and the lack of isolation and observation places, the school has made efforts to do a good job in the daily management of students staying in school during the winter vacation to ensure that students staying in school spend a peaceful and safe holiday.

For how to do a good job in the service guarantee of students staying in school, Wang Zongmin introduced that this year, 330 security personnel stuck to their posts; more than 800 logistics staff provided guarantee services for teachers and students staying in school; 22 volunteers set up a "food delivery service team" to provide contactless free delivery of food for teachers and students sealed in the building. At the same time, a 24-hour psychological assistance hotline and online lectures were launched to publicize and popularize psychological knowledge and help students cope with emotional stress. "Chinese New Year's Eve night, the first and second days of junior high school, provide free meals, so that students who stay in school can feel the warmth of home."

In addition, the school allocated 300,000 yuan to help students in need go home for the New Year. According to the changes in the epidemic situation and the wishes of students, properly arrange for students to leave school, and the students' tutors and counselors will escort students who have left school and returned home to the high-speed rail station, railway station, airport or parents of students. Since the winter vacation, more than 300 students have been escorted "point-to-point".

Beijing News reporter Su Ji Editor Miao Chenxia Proofreader Li Ming

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