
Daily interventions for high-functioning autism - Usually at home, you can improve your child's social behavior in the following ways

At home or in the community, there are several ways you can improve your child's social behavior and provide opportunities for your child to practice their social skills. First, write a script in advance to help your child know what to do and how to say it in certain social situations, such as on the phone or ordering food at a restaurant; second, video the process of your child talking to other people and watch it with your child. Point out what he's doing well and what needs to be improved; third, video the age-appropriate conversations that other people have had as a demonstration; fourth, take the child to group activities related to his special interests so that the child has a chance to find like-minded peers; fifth, invite the child's companions to play at home, and adults need to structure the activities and closely observe the interaction between the child and his peers, and assist the child in practicing taking turns speaking, sharing or negotiating with others, and other skills; sixth, Set aside 15 minutes a day to talk to your child about a pre-arranged topic, such as school life, weekend plans, etc., provided that other children in the family, housework or phone distractions are eliminated. Okay, parents who have questions above can pay attention to me, thank you.

Daily interventions for high-functioning autism - Usually at home, you can improve your child's social behavior in the following ways

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