
Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

As a member of the founder of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Yang Xiuqing has always appeared as a supreme identity, it can be said that at that time, he was the pillar of the hearts of the rebels, until the success of the uprising, he became the Eastern King, and he used his outstanding military ability and wisdom to gain more and more rights for himself. But not only that, in addition to the military and political power, he also controlled the supreme divine power at that time. You know, the early Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was based on the worship of God to convene the people's uprising, the leader Hong Xiuquan claimed to be "the second son of the Heavenly Father", and Yang Xiuqing called himself "Heavenly Father's Lower Mortal"...

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

This is good, Yang Xiuqing has become Hong Xiuquan's father! Although he was nominally a second-in-command, in fact everyone in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom had to listen to his orders, including the Supreme Leader at that time, Hong Xiuquan, who also had to bow down and listen to him. Like occasionally, when people have a dispute, such as where to launch an attack or where the capital should be settled, there is no need to obey the command of others, as long as it is carried out according to the will of the "Heavenly Father". Although Hong Xiuquan said that he was the real leader, once the "Heavenly Father" came, Then Yang Xiuqing was the absolute boss, saying what it was. But what is the reason why such a person fears that the "Father is alive" was actually killed, and the death was very simple?

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

In fact, Yang Xiuqing was born as a miner at the earliest, and his life was very hard, because the rebel army first began to preach from under the miners, so he was the first group of people to enter the religion, but at that time he was not a core personnel, and the matter of letting him enter the core personnel was still a little magical, but the truth and falsity still needed to be judged by you.

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

At that time, the Qing government captured the leader Hong Xiuquan, so their prayer meeting was not presided over, and just when everyone was about to disband, Yang Xiuqing suddenly changed. Only to see him suddenly convulse, after a while after calming down, as if he had completely changed as a person, even his voice was different, and he said a lot of words to the people who went to worship at that time, the main meaning was that I was the Heavenly Father, and now I am possessed by him to help you, you will unite in the future, Hong Xiuquan's safety do not worry, he will come out soon. After saying these words, he smoked for a while, and when he calmed down this time, he seemed to remember nothing, and asked everyone what had just happened. Everyone was frightened by him and really believed him, so everyone began to unite, and the more amazing thing was that Hong Xiuquan returned after a few days. At this time, everyone was more and more convinced that he was the Father.

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

Later, they found that the matter of pretending to be a heavenly father worked really well, so they wrote this into the regulations of the time and told everyone that they must abide by it, so Yang Xiuqing became the leader at that time. But he may have been suppressed for a long time before, and after this, he began to swell up, and at every turn, he went down to heaven, let Hong Xiuquan kneel down for him to count him down, and even once asked Hong Xiuquan to give up the position of boss to him, which is estimated to lay the groundwork for his death. Not only that, he used his particularity to constantly form gangs, and one day Hong Xiuquan, who couldn't bear it, called someone to kill Yang Xiuqing, and even no one in the whole family was spared. But the question is why, at the time of his death, there was no effective resistance at all. Later, it was a scholar who brought back from England to solve this doubt.

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

When a scholar visited Britain, he stumbled upon many edicts of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, among which Yang Xiuqing issued more than 120 edicts. From this edict we know many things that we have not discovered, which is of great help to us in solving this doubt. At that time, there were no eunuchs, and there was not a single man in the Eastern Palace, and all the subordinate officials were women. This also means that Yang Xiuqing usually rarely sees men except for his own son. Even Fu Shanxiang, the famous female leader at that time, did not pass the national examination, but was the "internal special enrollment" at that time. These women officials not only had political tasks, but also had the same responsibilities as concubines.

Why was Yang Xiuqing easily exterminated? Britain found 120 edicts that unraveled the mystery of history

According to statistics, there are no less than 3,000 so-called female officials around him. But the most ironic thing is that he himself is so debauched that he does not allow others to do so, and even it is a crime for others to eat with his wife. It is conceivable that in those days, this extremely corrupt phenomenon could not maintain the centripetal force and combat effectiveness of the people. Moreover, there are no men in the house, so why talk about combat effectiveness? Not to mention resistance.

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