
How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

Lighting a sky lantern is a kind of torture in ancient times, and from the name alone, it seems to be quite Sven, but if you really want to talk about the degree of cruelty, it is no less than Ling Chi.

Punishment is a means for rulers to maintain social stability and consolidate their own rule. However, in the development of human civilization, various punishments have gradually begun to be stained with some emotional color, and the purpose of implementing various punishments is no longer so simple. In this context, all kinds of torture were born.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

Lighting a sky lantern was an ancient form of cruel torture, and before execution, the executioner would strip the prisoner of his clothes, and then wrap the prisoner in sackcloth and fix it with rope. The executioner would then soak the prisoner in a cylinder filled with fuel oil, and only after dark would the executioner fish the prisoner out, then hang the prisoner upside down on a high wooden pole with chains, and then set the prisoner on fire from the prisoner's feet.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

Since the torturer was hung upside down and lit on the feet, and since the fire was spreading from the bottom up, the downward spread would be very slow, so the execution would take much longer before the flames burned to the upper body of the prisoner who was now below. Most of the body's vital organs are in the upper body, and burning the upper body later means that the prisoner will feel the painful sensation of being burned by the flames for a longer time.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

Among the existing records, Dong Zhuo was the first person to be "lit with a sky lamp". In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is recorded that after Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu, he directly threw the body into the street. However, because Dong Zhuo was very cruel before his death, he not only caused dissatisfaction among the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military officials, but even the people hated Dong Zhuo incomparably. After a few days of placement, Dong Zhuo was very fat, the oil in his body spilled out, so someone found a wick at night to understand the qi, inserted this wick into Dong Zhuo's navel eye, and then lit the wick, and lit Dong Zhuo to the sky lamp.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

The second person recorded is Emperor Huizong of song in the Song Dynasty. In the shame of Jing Kang, Song Qinzong and Song Huizong were successively abducted by the Jin people and went north. At the hands of the Jin people, Emperor Huizong of Song suffered a great deal of humiliation, such as being treated as a sheep and being given the title of "Duke of Duande". Unable to bear it, Song Huizong wanted to commit suicide to end his life, but was stopped by Song Qinzong. However, even if he failed to commit suicide, in the end, Song Huizong lost his life under the torment of illness. After the death of Emperor Huizong of Song, the Jin people continued to humiliate his corpse, and put his body on top of the stone pit and lit a sky lantern, and when he was halfway through, another basin of water extinguished the flames, and then collected the liquid in the stone pit, saying that the oil made in this way could be used as lamp oil.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

The last person is Zhu Jiumei of the Qing Dynasty, and the only person in the record who was lit alive with a sky lantern. At that time, during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, although Hong Xiuquan was under the banner of "asking for the people's lives", he only cared about his own enjoyment and also carried out various kinds of torture within the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. At that time, Zhu Jiumei was not only a famous talented woman in Hubei, but also very beautiful. It is precisely for this reason that the lustful Eastern King Yang Xiuqing has his eye on Zhu Jiumei, who just lacks a person in charge of the document and wants to use this name to adopt Zhu Jiumei as his concubine. After being rejected by Zhu Jiumei, Yang Xiuqing was immediately embarrassed and angry, and finally ordered someone to light the sky lantern for Zhu Jiumei to live.

How cruel is "lighting the sky lantern"? Refining Song Huizong into lamp oil is no less than Ling Chi

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