
"Dissuading the three · remarriage" store collected 20,000 to the program 150,000 to help, experts: there is no need to spend this money

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Liu Xiaobin

Help dissuade the "little three" to maintain the marriage, help the divorced to remarry, and charge 20,000 yuan. On January 18, a man in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, opened a "dissuaded three • remarriage" shop that attracted the attention and comments of many netizens, and the owner of the store told Jimu News reporter that the matter was true and the business was OK.

However, experts also remind that such business needs to avoid possible illegal actions as much as possible, and all business is carried out within the scope of legal permission.

"Dissuading the three · remarriage" store collected 20,000 to the program 150,000 to help, experts: there is no need to spend this money

Different store signs attract attention

Recently, such a plaque as "Dissuading the Three and Remarrying", appeared on the streets of Songyuan City, Jilin Province, attracting the attention of many local residents in Songyuan. At the bottom of the sign, it reads "Hemei Planning Consulting Studio" and a mobile phone number.

According to the information of Tianyancha, Songyuan Hemei Planning consulting studio was established in October 2021, the address is located in Songyuan Road, Ningjiang District, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, the business scope of the studio is a general project: consulting and planning services (in addition to projects that require approval according to law, independent business activities are carried out according to law with business licenses).

After the video circulated on the Internet, it also attracted the attention of many netizens, and many netizens expressed their views.

A search by Jimu News reporters found that some netizens' comments were full of doubts.

Netizen @ Pi Egg Porridge exclaimed, there is even this profession?

Netizen @ Guangjun said that maintaining a marriage that has died is moral, and will it be happy after compounding?

There are also some netizens who send good wishes for marriage. Netizen @ Star Story left a message saying that it is better to demolish a temple than to destroy a pro, and divorce makes people heartbreak.

Different needs have different charges

On the morning of January 18, the jimu news reporter contacted the male owner of the Hemei planning consulting studio on the phone, and he did not disclose his name.

The boss told the Jimu News reporter that the studio is legally registered, and the main business is to save the marriage of the husband and wife who are on the verge of breaking down, dissuade the third party that may exist in life, and let the marriage in crisis continue; the second is that the divorced party wants to remarry after the divorce, and helps the customers who plan to fight for the remarriage.

The boss introduced that the business fees are mainly divided into two categories, one is only for the program, the studio does not help; the second is not only out of the specific planning plan, but also can help complete the plan.

For the customer only needs to plan such a demand situation, the boss said, and there are two situations, simply based on the information provided by the customer, put forward a detailed planning plan that does not guarantee the achievement of the goal, the fee is 20,000 yuan. If the customer requires that the planning plan must complete the target requirements, the fee is 70,000 yuan, and the customer's target requirements will be refunded.

The boss said that the second type not only came up with a specific planning plan, but also a fee of 150,000 yuan to participate in the implementation of the plan, and implemented different charging standards according to the different needs of customers, mainly for high-income people.

The boss said that the cost of 150,000 yuan for the studio to participate in the implementation of the plan seems to be relatively high, but the actual cost of the studio's salary, travel expenses and other costs is also relatively high, because sometimes it takes several months to complete a single business.

Some netizens asked whether there is no need to save and reunite the marriage caused by the appearance of a third party, and the boss said that the marriage is complicated, as long as the parties feel that it is necessary, the studio will provide help.

Whether it is to save a marriage that is about to break down, or a divorce to remarry, will there be a violation of the law in practice? The boss said that illegal things are resolutely not done, and all business will be carried out within the scope of the law.

Experts suggest that there is no need to spend this money

For the business carried out by Songyuan Hemei Planning and Consulting Studio, Zhang Fujin, a senior partner at Hubei Today Law Firm and director of the Department of Wealth Inheritance and Marriage and Family, told Jimu News reporter that this kind of business has long been carried out in China, which is not a new thing, and he himself has also received a request from a lady to help dissuade her husband's "little three" business, and there are more than one case.

"Married life is complicated, whether it is to dissuade the 'little three' to save the marriage, or to help remarry, it is necessary to take the opinions of both the husband and wife concerned as the standard, can not be arbitrary, and must be carried out within the scope of the law." Lawyer Zhang Fujian said that in the actual process of persuasion, the people who went to persuade them to retreat were mainly persuasion and would not take illegal measures such as violence.

For this social phenomenon, Professor Shang Chongsheng of Wuhan University said that the divorce rate in society is relatively high now, and some people have this idea and business acumen to understand, but they must legally carry out business and cannot make moves that may violate laws and social morality.

In the process of dissuading the "little three", will there be illegal entry and installation of cameras to collect evidence? In practice, will there be beatings and injuries? How to ensure that the personal privacy of the marriage party is not leaked? How to ensure and determine that the customer's cost is up to the mark? If you get divorced after a few months of compounding, how will the money spent be calculated... During the exchange, Professor Shang Reborn raised his own doubts.

Professor Shang Reborn said that marriage is a very complex social relationship, what happens in the marriage, how to solve it better, whether to divorce and remarry, first of all, it needs to be determined by both husband and wife, he himself does not approve of the simple commercialization of the solution to the problem, but suggests that it be solved through the help of family and friends, the help of the women's federation, and the frank communication between the husband and wife.

(The video comes from the Internet, the picture is a video screenshot)

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