
Industry experts jointly explored the high-quality development path of cultural heritage protection and inheritance and cultural tourism integration

author:China News Network
Industry experts jointly explored the high-quality development path of cultural heritage protection and inheritance and cultural tourism integration

The 3rd China Cultural Heritage Revitalization and Sustainable Development Forum was held online. Courtesy of the organizer

Beijing, January 18 (Xinhua) -- The Third Forum on Revitalization and Utilization of China's Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development was recently held online. More than 20 industry experts and scholars gathered in the cloud to share insights on the theme of "Cultural Sharing and Technological Innovation in Heritage Sites", and jointly seek a high-quality development path for the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and the integration of cultural tourism.

Jointly sponsored by the China Association for the Protection of Monuments and Sites and the China Tourism Scenic Spots Association, the forum, with the theme of "Cultural Sharing and Technological Innovation in Heritage Sites", jointly explored the innovative ways of cultural heritage sharing, strengthened the strengthening and application of scientific and technological innovation in this field, expanded the path for social forces to participate in heritage revitalization, made suggestions for cultural sharing and scientific and technological innovation in heritage sites, and actively promoted the integration of cultural heritage into modern life.

Song Xinchao, chairman of the China Association for the Protection of Monuments and Sites and deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, introduced here that the changes in the understanding of heritage value and its revitalization in the international heritage community in recent years have placed greater emphasis on the importance of humanities, spirituality and value dissemination and sharing. Taking the China Association of Monuments and Sites as an example, we will share some explorations of value dissemination with Chinese characteristics such as China exploration and rural heritage hotel demonstration projects on the International Day of Monuments and Sites in recent years. He pointed out that under the overall deployment of the country, it is necessary to make cultural heritage "come alive" and "go out" through the participation of the whole society and international exchanges and cooperation, and make cultural heritage undertakings that reflect the trend of the times.

Wu Kefeng, deputy director of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, it has continued to exert efforts in the fields of tourism scenic spot development, cultural and creative product development, and national cultural park construction, and has taken multiple measures at the same time to continuously open up the space for innovative use of cultural heritage. At the same time, it is recommended that the industry adhere to the premise and foundation of scientific development and protection first, continue to promote the deep integration of culture and tourism, and use science and technology to promote the display and utilization of cultural heritage.

Huo Jianjun, secretary general of the China Tourism Scenic Spots Association, pointed out that digitalization has helped improve the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, and accelerated the integration of cultural heritage and modern life. To this end, the China Tourism Scenic Spots Association has set up a cultural heritage protection summit and a special committee for the protection and utilization of cultural heritage to form a close contact mechanism to provide support and services for the practical problems encountered by heritage scenic spots.

According to the organizers, the "China Cultural Heritage Revitalization and Utilization and Sustainable Development Forum" has been held for three consecutive sessions, the forum aims to actively explore new ways of cultural heritage protection and revitalization and utilization under the new situation, focus on the content transformation and industry format of heritage revitalization and utilization, explore the multidisciplinary integration of cultural heritage, summarize the various models of cultural heritage revitalization and utilization and sustainable development, integrate relevant high-quality resources and achieve resource sharing, and strive to build a platform for industry-university-research exchanges and cooperation between cultural heritage revitalization and utilization and sustainable development. Actively promote the integration of cultural heritage into modern life, and make positive contributions to improving the soft power of national culture and the influence of Chinese culture. (End)

Source: China News Network

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