
Don't underestimate clothes, Ta is an early education tool that does not cost extra money!

A small piece of clothing can turn into an early education class

Many babies learn to wear clothes for the first time, and the mothers are very happy - the baby's skills to take care of themselves get! In fact, a small piece of clothing really hides a lot of "passwords" for the baby's development, most mothers don't know it, right?

There are many activities related to clothes, such as: choosing clothes, matching clothes, putting on and undressing clothes, and even learning to wash clothes, organize and store clothes, and so on.

Don't underestimate clothes, Ta is an early education tool that does not cost extra money!

There are many areas in which a child can develop in these activities:

To help children develop independence:

Let the child put on and undress on his own – this is the child's functional independence; let the child choose his own clothes – this is the child's psychological independence, and I can make my own decisions.

To help children develop inner order:

Do it with our children – what we do first, then do, and do last when we do laundry; how we compare, categorize, and establish conceptual frameworks when we store clothes.

To help children develop mathematical minds:

Bring your children along to discuss – how big a basin and how much water do we have to use when we wash our clothes? When drying clothes, how do we arrange space to hang all the clothes on the shelves? Where are the symmetry lines when folding clothes? When storing clothes, how do you plan the space of the drawer?

Don't underestimate clothes, Ta is an early education tool that does not cost extra money!

To help your child develop language:

"Do you want to wear this flower dress or this blue princess dress today?" Use this kind of scenario-based dialogue to help children understand and absorb language, using rich vocabulary and sentence types in it.

To help children develop coordinated movements:

Coordination of large body movements - try to let the child put on and undress by himself, take the child to wash and dry clothes together; there are many opportunities for large body coordination;

Coordination of fine movements of small limbs - try to let the child button up, zipper, tie the bow... These are opportunities to exercise fine motor movements.

Don't underestimate clothes, Ta is an early education tool that does not cost extra money!

To help children develop sensory refinement:

Feel the color, shape, texture, temperature, taste, etc. of the clothes with the child, help him to distinguish and classify these sensory information, and make her more "deaf and clear"!

To help children develop socially:

Pay attention to the cleanliness of clothes with your child and choose different clothes for different occasions.

To help children develop aesthetically:

Match clothes with your child to cultivate your child's aesthetic awareness and ability.

Now, do moms understand why Montessori education attaches so much importance to activities of daily living? Don't look at such a small dress, use it well is the best early education class!

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