
Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were constant disputes in the world, early eunuchs and foreign relatives seized power from each other, and the signs of the decline of the Han Room were already obvious, and later experienced the impact of the Yellow Turban Army, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was already crumbling. During this period, countless heroes and heroes were born, some of whom were known for their bravery and martial arts, and some of whom were famous for their great talents, such as Zhuge Liang. A person who is so famous that he can no longer be famous is even synonymous with wisdom in the present.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

Regarding Zhuge Liang's life, it is not too much to describe it as a legend, assisting Liu Bei to achieve a hegemony, and later single-mindedly assisting the later lord Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang bowed down and died during the Northern Expedition, thus leaving a good name passed down from generation to generation. Among them, the impression given by the interpretation to people accounts for a large part, and the fabrication of Zhuge Liang in later generations also accounts for a part, of course, Zhuge Liang is indeed a figure worthy of praise. However, the historical Zhuge Liang is still a certain gap with what we usually know, today Xiaobian will talk about Zhuge Liang as a person, see why he did not abolish Liu Chan, and then call himself emperor.

Zhuge Liang, a young man in the countryside

Zhuge Liang is a Langya person, according to today's geographical location, Zhuge Liang is a Shandong person, in the local Zhuge clan is a Wang clan, Zhuge Liang's father once served as Taishan County, but died relatively early, and later Zhuge Liang lived with his uncle Zhuge Xuan. Later, the war in the north continued, in order to achieve a safe life, Zhuge Xuan took Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun and began to go south, he was first appointed by Yuan Shu as Yuzhang Taishou, but the stable days did not last long, zhuge Xuan was replaced. At this moment, there was a feeling of frustration, and in desperation, Zhuge Xuan went to vote for his old friend Liu Biao.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" - The Han Dynasty chose Zhu Hao to be the successor of Xuan. Xuan Su and Jingzhou Mu Liu have an old table and have relied on it.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

And Zhuge Liang also came to Nanyang, and later Zhuge Xuan died, and the young Zhuge Liang began to face this chaotic world alone. With the relationship between Zhuge Xuan and Liu Biao, Zhuge Liang was not a big problem to be able to mix an official and a half-post under Liu Biao, but he did not do so. In order to survive, Zhuge Liang reclaimed a wasteland and lived a self-sufficient pastoral life, which was certainly unskilled at first, but Zhuge Liang quickly adapted to this life.

Many people have the impression that when Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei met, it was the image of a lupine scarf, but in fact, this was the appearance image of Zhou Yu, according to the situation at that time, Zhuge Liang's image should be the image of a farmer, the scarf is actually a straw hat, and the lufan can be replaced by a hoe. Although he lived a pastoral life, but Zhuge Liang's ambition has not weakened at all, during the cultivation period Zhuge Liang likes to sing "Liang Father Yin", according to the meaning of the lyrics, it can also be seen that he is not satisfied with the status quo, of course, the original lyrics of "Liang Father Yin" have long gone, and now all we can find is adapted by posterity according to Zhuge Liang's deeds.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

Regarding whether Zhuge Liang was good at leading troops to fight

Liu Bei is definitely not so crying in history, he is not only a politician, but also a general, so it is a wrong way for Zhuge Liang to be idle as soon as Liu Bei came out, in fact, when Liu Bei was alive, there was no Zhuge Liang or anything. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang became the most powerful person in the Shu Han Dynasty, and from this time on, Zhuge Liang began to lead troops frequently, but judging from the results of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang did not achieve the desired effect. Therefore, some people feel that Zhuge Liang actually does not fight wars, and he is better at power and government.

"Wei Luo" - It was when Cao Gongfang fixed Hebei, Liang knew that Jingzhou was the enemy, and Liu Biao was slow and did not know the military. Liang is the northbound to see the preparation, the preparation and the bright is not old, and with its youth, with all kinds of business.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

This statement is pure nonsense, even if Zhuge Liang can't fight, he is definitely better than you will fight. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang carried out a series of counter-rebellions in Nanzhong, and at this time, it was already proved that Zhuge Liang not only studied politics, but also participated in the sweeping of Xichuan before Zhuge Liang. Throughout the course of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang encountered opponents Cao Zhen and Sima Yi, both of whom were not ordinary people, and although Zhuge Liang did not make much progress in strategy, he never lost tactically. How could Providence trick people, Zhuge Liang still lost in fate.

Zhuge Liang's conditions for usurping the throne were better than Sima Yi's?

Many people think that with Zhuge Liang's strength, it is completely possible to replace Liu Chan as emperor, and besides, Liu Bei did not tell Zhuge Liang when he was dying, but Zhuge Liang has not done so. At that time, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were also orphan ministers, and the political conditions faced by Sima Yi could be described as bad, on the contrary, Zhuge Liang's conditions were much better.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

When Liu Beituo was lonely, in addition to Zhuge Liang, there was another minister, and he was Li Yan. Originally, it was a figure used by Liu Bei to balance Zhuge Liang, but his final result was clear to everyone, and he was reduced by Zhuge Liang to a common man. As for Liu Chan, although he was definitely not as unbearable as in the interpretation, he was indeed not a capable emperor. In this case, Zhuge Liang seemed to have met all the conditions for usurpation, so why didn't he do so?

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

In fact, in terms of the conditions for usurpation, Zhuge Liang really could not catch up with Sima Yi, although Sima Yi's family is rarely known to us, but in history, Cao Wei's Sima clan was a big family, and Cao Cao also saw this in those years, so he had to sima Yi to enter the army. Looking at Zhuge Liang's family power, it is much more pitiful, although it is also a big family, but because of the continuous war, it has already fallen apart.

In addition, the Shu Han Dynasty seemed to be unified, but internally it was divided into multiple factions, including the Yizhou faction that was the first native, the Dongzhou faction that only appeared during Liu Yan's period, and the Jingzhou faction that came last. The Jingzhou faction led by Liu Bei became the ruler of Yizhou, but the Yizhou and Dongzhou factions still existed and were also active in the court. After Liu Bei's death, Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, and at the same time he became the co-master of the three factions, although Liu Chan was incompetent, he invisibly played a huge role in stabilizing the situation. If Zhuge Liang hastily usurped the throne, the other two factions would inevitably cause trouble.

Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky in Shu Han, so why didn't he usurp the throne? Because only Liu Chan could stabilize the situation

The phrase "bow down to death and then die" is most suitable for Zhuge Liang, in other words, Zhuge Liang is a down-to-earth loyal minister, Liu Bei is not a fool, how can he give power to an ambitious person before dying. From the very beginning, he had never thought about usurping the throne in his heart, Zhuge Liang's goal in life was to be a sage who had left a name for thousands of years, and he had also succeeded.

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Wei Luo

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