
Reduce rebellion with ten days — the first day

"Rebellion is not the child's fault" is being studied.

"On the first day, we can do some activities to identify our own behavior:

For example, do you smile at your child, blink your eyes, pat your child, stand close to your child, say I love you to your child, make eye contact with your child, hug him, nod, shake hands, attend school meetings, give him praise, give him praise, urge him to attend classes, arrange his birthday party, urge him to participate in various activities, and so on.

When you do all of the above, even if your child does not verbally admit it, he will be very happy and grateful in his heart, which is a good performance.

So on the other hand, we're going to look at the negative behavior of our parents and also check the list below.

For example, whether there is yelling, whether there is ridicule, whether there is irony and sarcasm, whether there is scolding, whether there is neglect, whether there is nagging, whether there is preaching, often interrupting, humiliating children, staying in the past.

What is staying in the past?

It's how you were last time, how you always were, what kind of child you've always been, and this is called staying in the past.

Criticism, provoking guilt, irritation, provocation, lying, gossiping with other parents, threatening, belittling, dropping things, negative feelings, impatience, and unrealistic expectations.

If you check and tick, you find that you have a lot of shares, I have dropped things, I have lost my temper, I have sarcastically ridiculed him, I have threatened him that if he does not do this again, my mother will not want him, and so on.

Then don't be too upset, because people are not sages, who can be blameless? So it's good to try to minimize it in the future.

Take a moment to decompress, so that you can first decompress, that is, you have to exercise, watch movies, and have a good relationship with your family.

At this time, your state will become better, you will be able to relax, and the child's rebellion will be reduced.

Really, the more relaxed you are, the less rebellious your child will be, and your child needs you to help him overcome rebellious behavior.

Therefore, the parents' behavior, attitude and lifestyle of a child have the greatest impact on the child, so taking care of yourself is the behavior that is responsible for the child.

So on the first day, we first examine our own behavior habits to understand why the child is probably rebellious. ”

Seriously, I look back at my past, and I do less that should be done, and what should not be done, but a lot of things that should not be done.


Because I didn't live myself well.

Absent dads, anxious moms, failed marriages, heavy work pressures, and lonely chicken feathers. In short, live anxious and painful, desperate and helpless.

They all seriously lack love, confidence, courage, strength, and hope, and who has the strength to love their children well? It will only convey endless stress and anxiety to the child, and do harm in the name of love.

A netizen said that I like it very much that I rightly said that parents should first take good care of themselves, love themselves, and live well.

It is true that only by loving yourself and living your parents can you love yourself and overflow.

Truth will always come up in many places, such as this American book.

So, change the child, change yourself first.

Take care of your children and take care of yourself first.

Love your children, love yourself first.

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