
Having been destined, the winter moon was born, and the year of the tiger should be cautious and seek wealth

Having been destined, the winter moon was born, and the year of the tiger should be cautious and seek wealth

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Netizens asked, I am a man: born in 1987 in the lunar calendar, the eight characters are the year of Ding Di, the month of Nongzi, the day has not yet been, and the noon of Geng. Married, the fortune of these years is not good, the husband and wife contradictions are very much, is not the second marriage life, what problems to pay attention to in marriage, the next year is not suitable for investment to make money, career fortune in the next few years, when there is shipping.

Reply: Qianzhuo (male) Ding 卯年, 壬子月, no more days, Geng noon. 10 years old luck: Xinhai, Gengjiao, Has unitary, Pengshen, Ding Wei, Bing wu, Yi Wei, Jia Chen. This year 2021, you are 34 years old, and you are currently in the 30-40 years old.

The five elements of your birthday are your own, your own soil, you belong to your own earth, and the five elements of fate are: the birthday belongs to the earth to represent yourself, the earth that does not belong to the soil is comparable, and the fire of Ding Wu is the partial indian star. 卯屬木 is a partial official, 庚屬金 is a wounded official, and 壬子氏水 is a positive partial wealth star.

Strong and weak joy and taboo: the earth is destined to give birth to the moon, for the loss of orders, the eight characters of wealth and star prosperity, the day sits on the soil, the eight characters have a seal star than robbery, get help, you belong to the earth life is weak. The Five Elements love fire and earth. Jealous of the gods for the golden water. Mu ji fiercely occupied.

Personality: Your mind is smart and flexible, your comprehension ability is relatively strong, your eloquence is relatively fluent, you are enthusiastic about people, and you are shrewd and capable. Emphasize friendship and morality for people. Disadvantages: dependent, strong personality, some urgency, some paranoia, strong humility, and straight speech. Does not like to listen to and obey the opinions of others.

The eight characters hurt officials and make money, representing a smart and flexible mind, ambitious, and fond of innovation and reform, but weak and financial is taboo, only suitable for stable work, not suitable for tossing, engaged in technical occupations, people who like India, engaged in cultural and educational work better, weak and prosperous, Printing stars are combined, career pressure is great, there is a sense of talent and talent, and they are affected by wealth. Coupled with the fact that the middle-aged fortune is very general, it is not suitable for business to start a business, it is better to seek wealth in a down-to-earth manner, it is better to go to work or work for others, and it is usually necessary to make more friends and get help from friends around you.

Wang luck method: It is best to develop in the southern city of the birthplace. It is advisable to engage in industries or occupations related to the five elements of fire and soil, such as: energy, chemical industry, electricity, gas, hot food, hotels, catering, electricity; barber and beauty, cosmetics, native products, real estate, agricultural and sideline products, animal husbandry, stores, warehousing and other related industries, which can increase your fortune.

Marital Feelings:

Wife star is now in the year and month, the general marriage is earlier, the moon is dry and the water is dry, Ding Nonghe, the moon branch water is partial wealth, and the Japanese wife is not in the palace, and there are three punishments for the meridian, the peach blossom is strong, the emotion is difficult to go smoothly, and it is not appropriate to marry early. There is positive wealth and hidden partial wealth, it is easy to be unspecified on love, and it is tempting to have peach blossoms and secret feelings. The wife star is merged, the wife palace is combined, the emotion is easy to intervene in the three, to prevent a marriage is difficult to whitehead, you need to carefully manage the marriage as well.

The wife palace is comparable to the use of God, and although the appearance of the lover is average, it will help you to a certain extent. Be content and happy, manage the marriage with heart, and the husband and wife can work together. Marriage will also have a certain happiness index, usually to grasp well, with the outside of the opposite sex of the interaction measure, do not be confused by the outside world, away from rotten peach blossoms, more gentle and considerate to the lover, more words to warm the wife is good, especially in the year of the ox, the year of the dog, the year of the rat, to prevent feelings are not smooth.

Operation And Execution Analysis:

The 2017-2026 decade has been a unitary great luck, the general luck of this decade is not good, the great fortune of the fate of the bureau composed of meridians, 卯酉 rush, career work has unstable and changeable signs. Previous years: 2014 to 2018 will be better overall, but 2014 is prone to strife. 2015 has a lot of time to be angry, and from 2019 to this year, the fortunes have declined in recent years.

In the year of Gengzi in 2020, it is taboo to injure officials and make money, have many ideas, are difficult to achieve, are easy to break wealth, lose money in investment, and change jobs. The son did not wear the wife's palace, and the meridian three sentences, the emotions are complicated, and the married have rotten peach blossoms. Family discord. This year 2021 is ugly, there is an ugly soil help, the fortune has improved slightly, but this year and the Japanese wife palace ugly did not rush, husband and wife contradictions are more, when the current marriage setbacks, if this year is okay, the next few years must be doubly concerned.

The next 2022 Nongyin Treasurer Wang is jealous of the gods, and 2023 is also jealous of the god Mizuki Wang, the fortunes are not good, and all aspects should seek stability. It is not appropriate to engage in any form of investment speculation to make money, to prevent the destruction of money, emotionally also to grasp well, and the interaction with the opposite sex is good.

2024 Jia Chen, with the fate of the official seal, the fortune has improved, he also has injured the official to see the official, for people to keep a low profile, less to say more. 2025 Otomi. 2026 C noon, this C year belongs to your good luck, do things smoothly, income will increase, you can grasp it well.

40-50 years old ten years to go to the Great Luck of Pengshen, this decade is still not good, the cause is difficult to seek great development, it is difficult to seek great wealth, more to rely on diligence and thrift to maintain the family, the year 2027 Ding Wei this year fortune is better. However, in the next few years, the seven or eight years of 2028 Pengshen and 2035 B Andu, the fortunes are not ideal, and only by going to work down-to-earth can we be stable. This decade of 2032, 2033 two years, to prevent marital setbacks.

50-60 years old ten years to go Ding not big luck, luck dry partial luck, luck and support side by side, this decade of good luck is better, the career fortune is obviously beneficial to a lot, but Ding Nong contention, and ambush to the wife palace, this decade still has unfavorable marital emotional information, emotional defense of the three, to pay more attention to as well, after this decade, the marriage can be stable.

After the age of 60 to the end of the year to go to the end of the year to go to the C Noon, Otomi, Jia Chen great luck, these decades, the overall belong to your good luck, overall, the fortune of life is first bad and then good, more efforts can be achieved later. Good luck also shows that life is first bitter and then sweet, middle and old age life is rich, there is no shortage of money to spend, and can get the strength of children and younger generations. Carefree old age.

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