
Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

Zhuge Liang, a combination of loyalty and wisdom, has flown through the ages. Later dynasties and dynasties also admired Zhuge Liang, and Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty wrote the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" with Zhuge Liang as the absolute first protagonist, and the folk also circulated the proverb "Three Stinky Cobblers, Top Zhuge Liang" to set off Zhuge Liang's wisdom, which greatly enhanced Zhuge Liang's popularity in the folk. When I was a child, I did not read history, but I only knew the wisdom of Zhuge Liang, and I thought: Zhuge Liang is so smart, life must be very moist. After reading history, I know that Zhuge Cheng Xiang's life is the first suffering in the world.

Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

In the spring of 234 AD, Zhuge Liang's last Northern Expedition to Cao Wei in his life, sent troops from xiegu valley, tun troops Wuzhangyuan, and confronted Sima Yi's army at the edge of the Wei River, holding out for more than 100 days, Sima Yi insisted on not fighting, and forced Zhuge Liang to die. The cause of Zhuge Liang's death was actually exhaustion.

Zhuge Liang died before he could succeed, making the heroes of the world sigh. Later generations also thought that Zhuge Liang's military ability was not outstanding, at least not as good as Sima Yi. I think this view is too one-sided and sensational. The combined state of Shu and the state of Wu were only two-thirds of the comprehensive strength of the state of Wei, and this alone doomed Zhuge Liang, even if he was possessed by gods, he could not succeed in the Northern Expedition. But if he could protect himself and kill several wei generals from time to time, Zhuge Liang had fully proved his talent.

Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

Zhuge Liang was ultimately unable to defeat Sima Yi, and the reason for this was that, in addition to the huge gap in strength between Wei and Shu, there were several major reasons for their own analysis.

1. Zhuge Liang "bowed down to exhaustion, and after death", Sima Yi "would rather I bear the people of the world than the people of the world bear me".

Zhuge Liang is a gentleman and a humble gentleman at any time. All that came to mind was the wisdom of the former emperor, the weight of loneliness, sending troops to fight and putting life and death on the line, and seeking victory, causing a great psychological burden. And Sima Yi, in his heart, did not want to win the battle at all, as long as he did not lose, he only wanted to wait for the opportunity and seek to usurp the throne, so there was no pressure in his heart, and he lived a long life.

2. Zhuge Liang did everything himself, and Sima Yi only cared about recuperation.

In order to do things well, Zhuge Liang always did everything in detail and personally asked questions. All punishments of more than twenty rods shall be decided in person. This undoubtedly caused Zhuge Liang to have a great mental and physical exertion, and the reason why Zhuge Liang died of illness early was precisely for this reason. And Sima Yi, originally did not want to win the battle, handed over to his subordinates to do a good job of defense, he had nothing to do but drink and chat.

Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

3. Zhuge Liang believed that "the imperial order is greater than the heavens", and Sima Yi understood that "the king's order will be outside, and the king's order will not be affected".

Zhuge Liang was influenced by Confucian orthodoxy and followed the rules in everything. Zhuge Liang was fighting outside, as long as Liu Chan gave him an order to summon him back to the palace, he followed the emperor's orders and did not hesitate to pack his bags and withdraw his troops, even if Zhuge Liang knew that it was a plan made by the enemy, Zhuge Liang also complied. This will undoubtedly make the Shu kingdom lose a lot of surprising opportunities to win. Sima Yi, on the other hand, was much more relaxed, and when he sent troops, the emperor had no right to ask him what he was doing. Sima Yi only knew how to drink and sleep every day, and did not think about repelling the Shu army, not knowing whether Cao Rui knew or not.

4. Zhuge Liang paid too much attention to the name of his life and death, and Sima Yi "can hold a boat in the belly of the prime minister".

During the confrontation between the two armies, Sima Yi could not hold out, and Zhuge Liang sent emissaries to Sima Yi to send women's clothes in order to seek a war. Even though he was greatly humiliated by this strange shame, Sima Yi did not change his face and gladly accepted the clothes sent by Zhuge Liang, which showed that Sima Yi was a great husband who could bend and stretch, did not try to make a false name, and only talked about reality. And if, on the other hand, sima Yi sent women's clothes to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang would not be so calm, perhaps he would be violent.

Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

5. Zhuge Liang was cautious all his life, and Sima Yi "didn't matter if he lost."

The biggest feature of Zhuge Liang's style of doing things is that he is cautious and does not easily do things that are uncertain. In fact, this is also related to the environment in which he is located, Liu Bei's clique has always been weak, the family foundation is weak, after experiencing the fiasco of the Battle of Yiling, the Shu state has almost lost its family, and the tens of thousands of troops brought by Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition are the accumulation of Zhuge Liang's hard work for many years, and once the army is defeated, it is to scatter the family wealth. The reality of the situation does not allow Zhuge Liang to fail, so Zhuge Liang is also right to be cautious, but caution will also cause the inability to grasp the surprising victory of the fighter. Behind Sima Yi was the powerful State of Wei, with a mere 100,000 troops, and if he lost, he would not be hurt, and he could save his life, which gave Sima Yi a huge psychological advantage.

Why Zhuge Liang could not fight Sima Yi, five reasons

The five major reasons boil down to the fact that Zhuge Liang is a gentleman, Sima Yi is a villain, and a gentleman cannot fight a villain.

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