
Gourmet selection: lotus root stewed ribs, cold mixed okra, purple potato grapefruit almond salad, braised okra

author:Kiki shuo cuisine

Hello everyone, I'm Kiki, all year round Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Although there is a saying that there is a food autumn, but for foodies, it is clear that every season's appetite is not reduced! So let's take a note of my family's food. Insist on sharing food every day...

Lotus root stewed ribs

Gourmet selection: lotus root stewed ribs, cold mixed okra, purple potato grapefruit almond salad, braised okra

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork chops, 250 grams of lotus root, salad oil, 4 grams of salt, rock sugar, 2 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 2 star anise, peppercorns, a little dried chili pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 cardamom (nutmeg), and an appropriate amount of angelica.


1. Cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger and prepare the other spices.

2. Buy ready-made slices of good angelica, which can be added to the stew.

3. Blanch the ribs in water to remove the blood foam; the lotus root is cut into wedge-shaped pieces.

4. Pour oil into the pan, add peppercorns and chili peppers to stir-fry; stir-fry the ribs in a few strokes.

5. Add various spices and continue to stir-fry to make the aroma, and the rock sugar can be dissolved.

6. Pour in the soy sauce and cooking wine and stir-fry until colored; pour in hot boiling water without a knuckle of the ribs and bring to a boil.

7. Pour the boiled ribs into a casserole dish; continue to simmer over the heat, without putting the lotus roots.

8. Simmer the ribs in a casserole dish for 10 minutes; open the lid and add lotus root to simmer for 20 minutes, then add salt and chicken essence.

9. Simmer for about 1 hour over low heat, pour the ribs from a casserole into a wok and collect the soup over high heat

Cold mix okra

Gourmet selection: lotus root stewed ribs, cold mixed okra, purple potato grapefruit almond salad, braised okra


250 grams of okra, 10 grams of minced garlic, 2 peppers, 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of oil, 3 grams of chili noodles, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 3 grams of oyster sauce, 2 grams of sugar;


1. Wash the okra, remove the stems, cut into thin slices with a knife and set aside. Bring a pot of water to a boil, blanch the okra in the pot for 2 minutes, add a little salt and oil to make the okra more verdant.

2. Combine chili noodles, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, minced garlic and chili peppers into a bowl of sauce and pour in hot oil Titian. Drain the okra, place in a bowl and drizzle with the sauce. Okra is a low-energy food and is one of the best diet foods that can be consumed by the general population.

Purple potato grapefruit almond salad

Gourmet selection: lotus root stewed ribs, cold mixed okra, purple potato grapefruit almond salad, braised okra

Ingredients: purple potato, grapefruit, almonds, lettuce, lemon, olive oil, honey, black pepper

1: Cut the purple potato into pieces, cook and set aside. Wash and tear the lettuce. Break the grapefruit into small pieces.

2: Squeeze half a lemon juice, add olive oil, honey, black pepper to make a vinaigrette; mix all the ingredients, add the appropriate amount of vinaigrette and stir quickly, and plate.

White-seared okra

Gourmet selection: lotus root stewed ribs, cold mixed okra, purple potato grapefruit almond salad, braised okra

Ingredients: okra to taste, a little soy sauce, a little sugar, a little salt, a little oil, a little sesame oil, 2 fresh red peppers, a little minced garlic.

Preparation steps:

1: Wash okra and set aside, boil okra in water, cook on high heat for about 5 minutes, remove and plate.

2: Leave an appropriate amount of boiling okra water in the pot, add soy sauce, sugar and salt in turn, boil and pour on the okra.

3: Chop the minced garlic and chili pepper and put on the okra. Heat oil and sesame oil in a pan and pour over okra and finish.

Well, it's like this, progress in learning, welcome to put forward opinions, you can leave a message of various cuisines, give everyone to practice recipes, share, you can forward like comments ha, goodbye I am Kiki said food, remember to pay attention to Oh

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