
Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

From the primary election of Wuzhen, to the transfer of Chengdu, and finally the finalization of Fuzhou. Under the background of epidemic prevention and control, this brand night, which has been preparing for a long time and almost "dying", was finally held as scheduled.

Good things, often sometimes need to be more grinding.

In fact, in the choice between "doing" and "not doing" in this brand night, the determination of Jietu Automobile is very firm, that is, it must be done, and it must be done well. In the words of Bao Si, deputy general manager of Chery Holding Group and general manager of Jietu Automobile, "We need a stage to convey Jietu's thoughts and actions on the Chinese auto market to the outside world. ”

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

As a result, a China's first Travel + Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night with the theme of "Our New Journey" opened in Fuzhou, the "Blessed State".

Challenge 300,000 "Long Live the Army" and look forward to making new achievements

I remember that at the off-line ceremony of 200,000 Jietu vehicles two years ago, Yin Tongyue, chairman of Chery Holding Group, proudly described that "Jietu is the 'Thirty-eighth Army' of Chery Group".

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

Last year, chery's "long live army" transformed into a "new force" of traditional car brands, from "product sequence" to "independent portal", from "Chery Jetto product sequence" to "Jetto Automobile". After four years of market grinding, today's Jietu Automobile is more and more determined and full of strength.

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

On the last day of 2021, Jetway Auto was the first in the industry to announce the 2021 report card. As of December 31, Jietu's cumulative sales in 2021 have exceeded 150,000 vehicles, with an average monthly sales volume of 12,500 vehicles, and the annual sales volume has increased by 30.29% year-on-year, achieving a sharp rise against the trend. As of the end of December 2021, the cumulative sales volume has reached 463814 vehicles, and the development momentum is very strong.

Just like the classic line in the classic movie "Spider-Man", "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility".

At the Jietu brand night, Chery Group, which is about to celebrate its 25th birthday, has set itself a grand goal of selling 1.5 million yuan a year and striving for 2 million. Among them, Jietu Automobile needs to complete the sales task of 300,000 vehicles, which is twice that of last year.

The soldiers and horses did not move, and the grain and grass went first. Yin Tongyue also said, "The Group will give all-round and three-dimensional support to Jietu from the aspects of technology research and development, intelligent manufacturing, supply chain system and so on. "There are bullets, grain, and spirits, which are worth looking forward to for the jietu car that is good at fighting hard battles and vicious battles."

Take a reassuring pill "Travel +" strategy has been fully upgraded

In order to speed up the speed of the road, Jietu Automobile announced a new product strategic plan to make the future product line more clear.

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

The first release of X, T, P, V four major product sequence layout, respectively, the main SUV, hardcore off-road, hard pickup truck, MPV models. The release of the new "Travel +" product strategic planning marks the official opening of the "4+3+N product matrix" era of Jietu Automobile, namely the SUV series (Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90), cross-border series (Jietu Hardcore Off-Road, Jietu Hardcore Pickup Truck, Jietu MPV), Hybrid Series (all series of products synchronous planning hybrid and living space series).

In addition, Jietu has also comprehensively upgraded the "Travel +" strategy from the dimensions of branding and marketing.

Jietu Automobile integrates the resources of the well-known domestic tourism industry, and through cooperation with enterprises or scenic spots such as Tuju Camping, Qunar, Pathfinder, Hongxing Erke, Inner Mongolia Keshketeng Banner, Ningxia Shapotou Scenic Spot, etc., covers the three major ecosystems of travel, consumption and leisure, and provides users with high-quality and upgraded value-added rights, positive interaction and interesting experience.

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

At present, Jietu Automobile has built 80 "Travel +" ecological alliance units, and according to the plan, it will be expanded to 100+ in 2022.

Bring more surprises and joy to users, while broadening the boundaries and horizons of Jietu. Letting "Jietu users" become "users' Jietu" is undoubtedly a good move in this era of "stock market".

The Jetway T-X concept car was officially unveiled

At the press conference on the same day, the concept car code-named Jietu T-X was also officially unveiled.

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

According to the car DNA, the T-X concept car adopts a square and tough shape design, which is completely different from the style of the previous Jietu car. The car is also a strong complement to a travel-focused car brand like Jietu, without a hardcore SUV.

Where is the strength of the Jietu car that challenges 300,000 "new travel" vehicles?

In the future, the T series hardcore SUV product sequence will launch a variety of models such as hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road, etc., with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan to meet the off-road travel needs of different consumers. In addition, the product series will include 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electric and other options in terms of power, at the same time, the use of four-wheel drive system equipped with differential lock, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive version, its body also includes two kinds of body structure, load-bearing or non-load-bearing two body structures.

According to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1, will be launched in 2023. Based on the strong extensibility of the intelligent architecture of the T product sequence, the same platform pickup truck models will also be launched in the future.

Today, Jetway Has successfully established its own unique image in the travel segment. Moreover, aiming at differentiated positioning continues to be solid and stronger. In the future, with the upgrading of brand strategy, more user use and experience value will be created, and a new round of "shortcut speed" will be opened.

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