
The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

In recent years, the price of many brands of cars has dropped significantly, so we can often see the shadow of Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi on the street. And now the standard of living is getting higher and higher, the income level is also constantly improving, many people have a certain income base, they want to buy a luxury car to enjoy the enjoyment, experience the pleasure of driving a luxury car.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

Some entry-level brands are also widely loved by young people, including the Audi A3, BMW III Series and Mercedes-Benz C-Class. A small Wu who delivers takeaways in Shandong province has fully considered the advantages of three different models. Opt for a Mercedes-Benz C-Class with a better interior. Because Xiao Wu now lives in a friend's house, does not need to consider the pressure of rent, and does not talk about his girlfriend, so he is very confident in his income distribution, and he can now earn about 8,000 yuan a month to deliver takeaways.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

Since the decision was made, Xiao Wu put it into action, accompanied by friends, he purchased a well-equipped Mercedes-Benz C-Class. When I first bought it, Xiao Wu drove on the street and saw the envious eyes of different people and felt very proud. Even his colleagues around him cast envious eyes on him.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

But just a few months later, Xiao Wu found that getting a car was not as simple as he thought, and sometimes he still had to borrow it from a friend at the end of the month to alleviate the dilemma of no money. At first, Xiao Wu still felt very fresh, but after all, his work as a delivery man was very busy, whether it was day or night, he needed to be on the job at any time.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

Xiao Wu's takeaway worker salary is mainly divided into basic salary commissions and rewards, when he did not have car pressure before, he was just diligent during the day, sent a little more, and generally did not send at night, so that the full calculation of the next month, no other deductions, you can also earn more than 8,000 salaries. This is also in the case of no one complaining, this month Xiao Wu has been complained about several times because of the weather, and then each complaint has to deduct 100 yuan.

In the past, Xiao Wu could not care about these things, just need to do a good job of himself, but now it is different, it has a lot of other aspects of the cost. Half a year later, Xiao Wu calculated an account, almost every month to spend about 2,000 money to maintain their car, just bought a car, Xiao Wu also spent more than 10,000 on insurance.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

And now Xiao Wu is just 25 years old, has not yet talked about a girlfriend, if you talk about the object or want to get married in the future, you have to face the pressure of buying a house, these costs are not a small amount, so it seems that Xiao Wu's salary of more than 8,000 a month is really not enough.

Xiao Wu is now very regretful, saying that he was impulsive to buy Mercedes-Benz, did not expect that there would be so much cost in the follow-up, if you start again, you will definitely not choose this way again. Xiao Wu also said that if the monthly salary is not 10,000, it is really impossible to afford a car like Mercedes-Benz. Now Xiao Wu's only thought is to sell this car, Xiao Wu to ask a friend, now the second-hand car market this car retention rate is not very high, if you sell it yourself may lose tens of thousands of dollars.

The takeaway guy bought a Mercedes-Benz, and he couldn't bear it for half a year, and now he regrets it

Now many young people have the idea of buying luxury cars is very normal, but the premise is to fully consider themselves, after buying can not afford to maintain, now the cost of maintaining cars on the market will only get higher and higher, will not be reduced. Luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi, many parts are from abroad, if you really need to repair, its cost is very high. Therefore, for ordinary families, buying a scooter of more than 100,000 or so can already meet the needs of daily life.

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