
Husband accompanying the obstetric examination is a pretense? You can be independent, but you don't have to despise others

In daily life, when it comes to widowhood-style parenting, many mothers have endless grooves, and some people even hate "pig teammates" to the root of their teeth.

So, what exactly is causing the absence of dads in parenting?

Too busy at work to have time? But don't many mothers also work while bringing babies? There are perhaps more reasons why dads are absent from parenting.

Husband accompany the obstetric examination?

A few days ago, I saw a post in a pregnant mother discussion community and was greatly puzzled. A pregnant mother went to the hospital for a maternity check-up, and in the interval between the equal signs, she heard the two mothers next door chatting.

Mother A: "Some women's maternity checks are accompanied by their husbands, (husbands) don't have to go to work?" ”

Mother B: "I don't know, I don't know what to do with it." ”

A Mom: "Maybe they're all more pretentious." ”

After saying that, the two laughed very tacitly.

The hardships of pregnancy are generally felt by people who have experienced or are experiencing. It is reasonable to say that the two mothers are the ones who can best understand how hard and helpless pregnant women are during pregnancy, but they never expected that the two words "pretense" were actually from their mouths.

Husband accompanying the obstetric examination is a pretense? You can be independent, but you don't have to despise others

Maybe they are physically fit, and pregnancy is not a burden for them.

But everyone's state of pregnancy is different, take morning sickness, some people did not respond throughout pregnancy, and some people directly vomited into the hospital, we should not take their own feelings, their own standards to judge everyone.

It is the duty of a man to accompany the obstetric examination

In addition, the husband's accompaniment to the birth examination is the argument of temperament, and it should also be suspended.

Pregnancy and childbirth are not a matter for a woman alone, but a responsibility shared by both husband and wife. Men can't conceive life for women, but it doesn't mean that the obstetric examination has nothing to do with men, and the baby in the belly has half of his responsibility.

Many fathers-to-be, and even some mothers-to-be, feel that the father-to-be can't help much with the obstetric examination, and it is a waste of time to go, but this is not the case.

First of all, the father-to-be accompanied by the obstetric examination will make the expectant mother feel the thoughtfulness and care from the other half, and the tension and anxiety during pregnancy will be greatly alleviated.

Secondly, during the maternity examination, the father-to-be can help with queuing, payment, all kinds of upstairs and downstairs running... Alleviate the hard work of expectant mothers running back and forth.

Husband accompanying the obstetric examination is a pretense? You can be independent, but you don't have to despise others

Finally, the father-to-be accompanied by the obstetric examination can timely understand the health status of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus, and help record the doctor's advice, which is not only a rare common experience, but also can enhance the sense of participation and strengthen the sense of responsibility of the father-to-be.

Therefore, it is not that the father-to-be accompanied by the obstetric examination is meaningless, but most of the father-to-be who accompanies the obstetric examination does not play the role they should have, either sitting and playing games, or acting as a tool person to go to the hospital obstetrics department for a day trip.

Husband accompanying the obstetric examination is a pretense? You can be independent, but you don't have to despise others

Due to the fast pace of contemporary life and the pressure of life, many expectant mothers consider that the other party is not good to ask for leave or various practical reasons, and they can go alone during the obstetric examination, but this does not mean that the expectant father does not accompany the obstetric examination is a correct and reasonable.

As a husband and the future father of the child, accompanying the pregnant mother to the obstetric examination is originally the duty of every man, and it cannot because it is a minority that can be done, and it is a kind of temperament to accompany the obstetric examination.

Modern society's requirements for women are already very high, let's stop rolling ourselves up, so that thousands of women survive more and more difficult.

I hope that more and more women will no longer seek perfection, and even be accomplices of "hand-throwing" men, only in this way can men be urged to actively perform their family responsibilities, so that widowhood marriage and widowhood parenting have nowhere to hide.

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