
Xiong Ling: Can the desire for things not materialize?

Xiong Ling: Can the desire for things not materialize?

The current distorted values of money are influencing our worldview, how can we get the next generation to break this spell?

Xiong Ling: Can the desire for things not materialize?

The first thing I want to ask is: Why is our current worldview influenced by "distorted money-oriented values"? That is, why does the spell exist, and what does it mean that money supremacy has become a curse?

In fact, these are very complex and sensitive social issues, and to answer and understand why, it is bound to involve sensitive political issues. But sensitive issues are untouchable.

The focus of this question is not on "how the spell is formed", but on "how to break the spell". However, the ways and means in which any problem can be effectively solved are based on an understanding of the problem itself (the truth). So, the paradox comes: sensitive topics you can't touch. At least that's how I feel. I dare to say only one thing: the formation of human character and values, the key period is from infancy to adolescence. In terms of developmental psychology theory, before the age of 16, what kind of environment he is in and what kind of education he receives determines what kind of person he is.

If, in a person's childhood and adolescence, he experiences loving parenting (that is, parents and other parents give their children a stable acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, guidance without blowing setbacks, etc.), and receives universal values education (that is, following order and rules, loving democracy and freedom, fairness and justice, kindness and integrity, respecting differences, loving faith, etc.). The parenting style of love is also the educational model of universal values), then this person will become a kind, full-bodied person with a full mind and personality. vice versa.

Just think, how can you not stain the mud when you are in a deep quagmire? No, it should be, how can one "get out of the sludge without staining"? I would like to ask, in a society where "money makes ghosts grind", how can people not be corroded by copper smell? No, it should be, how can we have a seat on universal values? I am ignorant and confused.

Xiong Ling: Can the desire for things not materialize?

How can the next generation break this spell?

This question is a very just and conscientious concern for society, but it is a very extravagant problem. The degree of civilization of a society and the quality of a generation are closely related to the quality of this socio-political system and the education system. If there is a good way for the next generation to break the curse of "twisted money first", it is also hoped that the system will be completely improved.

Originally, changing or leading the worldview of the next generation, such a big thing, should be a matter of the country. What can we ordinary people do? But now that we are living in a distorted money-oriented society, it is still worth considering what we can do for the sake of the next generation to be less materialistic?

Considering this dilemma, I can only stand in the position of my parents. If I were a parent, or a nurturer, I would raise the next generation like this: 1) With the love of the parenting model, which is in line with universal values: from the birth of the child to the childhood, it must be unconditional love, accompany the child, grow up with the child in the play of the world, the understanding of the self, do not insist on the "interest class"; choose kindergarten (including future primary and secondary schools) to exclude competition, will hold the home nearest choice; before the age of 17, I treat the child with principled love: adhere to the necessary bottom line set, or rules, Peaceful rejection of the child's "violation" or destructive behavior; guide the child to learn to deal with the conflict on his own. In general, it is necessary to start with young children: create a relaxed and loving relationship environment for children, appreciate, encourage and protect children's ideas and interests in autonomy; let go of what children should do on their own (such as when to get up, go to school, do homework, play with children, etc.); refuse children's comparison, unreasonable and other requirements.

2) I will use my own behavior to subtly influence my children. People's self-awareness is acquired from an early age according to the same principle, so the words and deeds of parents are the source of people's early formation of basic values and world views. Then, parents, I believe that I will do it - to be myself: to be a person who loves and is capable; to have my own principles for dealing with the world, but I must be honest, trustworthy, and respectful of others; to do what I should do, to pursue what I like to do, or ideals, and to honor it with my actual ability; never blindly follow, compare, and flatter; if there is not much achievement, no lot of money or power, I will gladly accept the ordinary; in the conflict of interests, there is a principled compromise; even in the materialistic, In the absence of righteous faith, I still choose good and stubbornness - to be myself.

Xiong Ling: Can the desire for things not materialize?

It should be known that the influence of parents on the minds of children in childhood is greater than that of schools and external influences. Therefore, I think that although parents cannot influence the entire generation, they can influence their own personality charm (three views) to influence their own next generation, and the next generation will use the personality charm he has formed to raise his next generation. In this way, as the nurturer of the role of parents, it is already worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth.

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