
The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

It is often heard that some parents say that their children are distracted and stunned when they go to primary school.

Some of the questions that I have just spoken about at school, but also at home, will not be able to ask a question.

The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

What is even more puzzling to parents is that sometimes even the questions just said cannot be repeated.

Most people give the idea that the child may have a problem with his concentration.

In fact, this has a lot to do with the ability to hear and perceive.

Auditory attention determines concentration

Auditory attention refers to the ability to select and concentrate on meaningful sound stimuli.

In short, the skill of listening.

Children with poor auditory attention skills will most likely have the following actions:

Deaf and deaf, the words of parents are like "wind in the ears";

Usually talk to others rarely eye contact, some even have fluttering eyes;

Interrupt others without waiting for them to finish speaking;

After hearing a few words, I began to wander and make small movements;

Homework, often misheard and heard.

The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

In addition to common performance observations, parents can also detect their children's auditory attention level through the "missing number" method.

Here's how:

Parents say a number at a speed of 1 second, from 1 to 100, and the number is omitted in the middle, and the child hears the missing number and claps his hand.

If the child can hear 8 missing numbers, it means that the child's auditory attention is strong;

If the child can hear 6 missing numbers, it means that the child's auditory attention is average;

If your child hears less than 6, your child's auditory attention is weak.

Don't underestimate the role of auditory attention, in school, listening is the most important thing to do every day.

If the child's auditory attention ability is weak, the efficiency of listening to lectures will also be affected, which will affect academic performance.

Three mini-games

Easily improve auditory attention

When a child has a weak auditory attention, parents do not have to panic too much.

Blueberry Mom sorted out the games that three kids were interested in, played in a relaxed way.

Game One: What You Hear

There are two ways to play this game, parents play with their children in turn, or you can choose one or the other.

How to play 1: Close your eyes with your child at home and listen quietly to the sounds around you.

Including the sound of running water, the noise of the street, the sound of walking, etc.

The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

Encourage them to listen not only to nearby sounds, but also to hear sounds farther away from outside the room.

How to play 2: Parents take their children to the park and close their eyes to listen to the sounds around them.

For example, the sound of vehicles, the sound of conversation, the sound of pets, etc.

Game Two: See who listens the most

The method is the same as above, choose to listen in different places.

But this time is different, the competition part has been added.

Parents can compete with their children to see who listens more and is accurate.

The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

Game Three: See who does it right

There are three kinds of small animals, such as "Wang Wang", "Meow", and "Twitter", which have three corresponding movements.

"Wang Wang" is to raise both hands to the ears, and the hands are stirred up and down like dog ears;

"Meow" is the action of raising both hands to the mouth and making the kitten's beard;

"Twitter" is when you hold your hands together, with your index finger pointing forward.

The child has trouble concentrating, and there is a problem with concentration? not necessarily!

At the beginning, what the parent says, the child does the corresponding action.

Slowly can increase the difficulty, parents say what children do not do.

In addition, parents should create a relaxed, quiet and harmonious family atmosphere for their children.

In the daily life of the family, fathers and mothers should consciously use a kind voice to communicate with the child softly, so as to improve the sensitivity of the child's hearing ability.

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