
After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

Hello everyone, I'm Cuckoo Mama~

If the child has a pair of clear, bright eyes, it can add a lot to the appearance. Especially when the child flashes bright eyes and winks at you, the heart is about to melt, okay?

Although it is said that the child's eyes are large or small, whether they are double eyelids or single eyelids, this has to be "spelled daddy" by inheritance. But if you want your child to have a pair of dark and agile eyes, as long as you work hard, you can still do it.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

When I did the obstetric examination, I asked the doctor: "I heard that eating more grapes during pregnancy can make the child's eyes bigger, is it true?" ”

The doctor told me that it is not because the grapes grow large that the child's eyes become larger. But because of some of the elements contained in the fruit, it is conducive to eye development.

Let's first take a look at how the eyes of the fetal baby develop

One: changes in the eyes of the fetus during pregnancy

At that time, I was both curious about the child in my belly and a little nervous about being a new mother. In order to get through pregnancy more smoothly, I pay attention to the knowledge of conception almost every day.

Together, we learned about the development of fetal eyes

●First trimester:

In the second month of pregnancy, the fetal baby's eyes begin to develop. At this time, however, his eyes were two black dots, like the seeds of an apple.

By week 6, although his eyes were only the size of a full stop, creases on his eyelids began to appear. Moreover, the inside of this small eye already contains the retina, crystals and cornea.

Isn't that amazing?

The fetal baby will develop rapidly in the mother's belly, and by the 7th week, the eyes the size of this period have grown to the size of blueberries. The eyelids also become clearly visible.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

●Second trimester:

By the time of the second trimester, the baby's eyes are almost formed. Moreover, in the fourth month, he could already feel the light from the outside world.

However, at this time, in order to protect the development of the eyeball, he still closed his eyes.

●Third trimester

By the third trimester, the fetus's various organs tend to mature, including the eyes.

At 26-29 weeks, your baby will open his eyes and look curiously at his surroundings. Although his vision was limited, at this moment, he could already see it.

By 30-33 weeks: If the pregnant mother is in strong light, or the light of the flashlight shines on the pregnant mother's belly, the fetus can also respond to the light of the outside world blinking.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

The fetus is in the mother's belly, although the eye has formed this organ. But his vision development will continue into the next dozen years of life. Therefore, to protect the eyes of children, is a long-term task Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Two: What to eat during pregnancy that can make the baby's eyes bright?

The food we eat during pregnancy, different nutrients, will play a different role in the development of the baby.

"Pregnancy Encyclopedia" mentioned: If we want the baby's eyes to develop better, we can supplement the following nutrients:


In carotenoids, there are two major nutrients that can escort the development of your baby's eyes - lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein is the main pigment in the retina of the eye, and with it, your baby's eye vision will be more sensitive. And lutein can also protect the nerve cells of the retina, so that the eyes are more developed.

Zeaxanthin has a filter effect, which can reduce the damage of blue light in the environment to the baby's eyes and maintain the clarity of the eyes.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

Dark vegetables are rich in carotenoids, such as spinach, kale, carrots, corn, pumpkins and so on.

The dietary guidelines for Chinese residents recommend that pregnant mothers' diets need to contain 300-500g of fresh vegetables every day, of which dark vegetables should account for half of the proportion.

It can be seen that dark vegetables are of great significance during pregnancy.

vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important raw material for the baby's eyes to sense light, if the baby can absorb the right amount of vitamin A from the pregnant mother's body, his eyes will be more energetic.

Moreover, vitamin A is also an important substance for the prevention of night blindness.

These foods are rich in vitamin A, which pregnant mothers can supplement appropriately: cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, etc.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

vitamin C

If you want your baby's eyeballs to develop healthily, you can't help but have vitamin C. The role of vitamin C is to help the retina develop and promote the health of the eye.

Foods rich in vitamin C are: cauliflower, celery, rape, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges and so on.


Pregnant mothers generally supplement calcium during pregnancy. This is not only conducive to the growth of the fetal baby's bones, but also conducive to his eye development.

Because calcium can protect the eye tissue, enhance the toughness of the eyeball wall, and prevent myopia.

Representative foods containing more calcium are: kelp, beans, milk and so on.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it


About DHA, we must have heard more, it is conducive to the baby's brain development, so that the baby is smarter.

But little do we know that it also plays an important role in the development of the eye. Pregnant mothers should properly supplement DHA, which can make the baby's vision sharper and clearer vision after birth.

If you want to supplement with DHA, pregnant mothers with conditions can choose deep-sea fish (such as salmon). If you want to supplement this type of nutrition in common foods, you can choose nuts or grains.

After pregnancy, you often eat the following foods, which can make the baby's eyes beautiful, and pregnant mothers can try it

Well, about the fetal baby's eye development, Cuckoo's mother talked about this.

I hope that every baby can have a pair of clear and bright eyes

【Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion】

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