
Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

Children born in the Internet age, some have not yet learned to walk, they are fascinated by electronic products!

When the crying does not stop, as long as the parents "light" the mobile phone, they will immediately return to their well-behaved appearance and quietly hold the mobile phone to look.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

More and more parents regard mobile phones as "coaxing artifacts", so that myopia is inevitable.

There have been news reports like this before:

In a pediatric ophthalmology clinic at a hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province, a 3-year-old child was diagnosed with 800 degrees of myopia.

Experts inquired and found that children were not born or genetically nearsighted, but were caused by excessive phone-watching.

In Henan, there are also cases of young children with high myopia. According to the doctors of the Optometry Diagnosis and Treatment Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, their most impressive is a dragon and phoenix fetal brother, who is only 2 and a half years old and has a high degree of myopia of more than 700 degrees.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

At this young age, I have to wear "heavy" glasses to live for a lifetime, and I think it is a little heartache!

Long-term use of mobile phones as a "coaxing artifact" will really make children myopic, parents can pay attention to it in the future!

So today, we will talk about children's myopia.


Will parental myopia be passed on to their children?

Case by case

If the parents are myopic when they are born, the probability of inheritance to the baby will be relatively large. Parents who carry the myopia gene are prone to passing this gene to their children.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

Because of the high myopia caused by acquired eye habits, the genetic probability is not high, only about 10%.


How to find out if a child is nearsighted as early as possible?

Regular vision screening

Preschoolers are young and often cannot accurately express their feelings of not being able to see clearly, making it difficult for parents to find their children's vision problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly take your child to a professional eye agency for vision examination.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

Normally, your child should be screened for refractive light at 6 months of age, and if the refractive status is normal, regular check-ups can be done every 6-12 months.

Around the age of 3, parents should start teaching their children to recognize the eye chart and check their vision and diopter regularly every 6-12 months.


Can my child be cured after myopia?

Myopia is irreversible

From the principle of myopia, myopia is irreversible under the current medical technology conditions.

Children who have been diagnosed with myopia are caused by abnormal curvature of refractive interstitium, and most of them are due to axial myopia caused by the lengthening of the eye axis.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

The goods on the market that claim to be able to "cure" myopia are ALL IQ taxes, and parents must not be deceived!


What should I do if my child is nearsighted?

Go to a regular hospital

Children are short-sighted, not simply buy a pair of glasses, put on the nose, can see clearly and it will be fine.

Be sure to adjust your mentality, go to the ophthalmology outpatient department of a regular hospital, and carry out scientific correction according to the plan given by the doctor.


How can parents protect their children's vision?

Plenty of outdoor activities and eating

Modern science has confirmed that ensuring that children receive plenty of natural light and outdoor activities every day is the best way to prevent myopia.

Still use the mobile phone as a "coaxing artifact"? Your child's eyes can't hurt!

More outdoor activities, especially when there is sunshine and open vision, going out to exercise more, playing ball and running, etc., are very important for myopia.

On the diet, control the diet, eat less sugar, and supplement more dark fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to eye development, which is beneficial to the child's vision protection.

Similar to blueberries, spinach, purple cabbage, strawberries, cherries, rich in anthocyanins, lutein, carotene and vitamin A, riboflavin, etc., have a certain effect on eye development and repair.

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