
After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

Many habits during pregnancy are not good for the fetus, for example, pregnant mothers eat irregularly, overeat, the fetus is prone to overnutrition, and even the formation of macrosomia, overweight. Pregnant mothers often eat junk food, and the fetus may be affected and malnutrition occurs.

This eating habit during pregnancy is not good, and if you do not pay attention, the consequences can be very serious

I was pregnant with my first child, and when I was pregnant in the first trimester, I especially hated eating, and every day I ate like the execution ground, I could delay it, and if I couldn't drag it down, I stuck my scalp, sat at the dinner table, and simply fooled around with two mouthfuls. My family is anxious with me, thinking that if I eat it, I will vomit, and the baby will be hungry. However, I really have no appetite.

After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

In the second trimester, although my meal volume has recovered somewhat, I am still particularly picky, I do not like to eat meat, and I am sick to my stomach if I dip some meat. My mother-in-law and husband have advised me, do not eat meat, do not eat meat, baby lack of protein, what to do?

But at that time, I didn't love myself, on the contrary, I still "loved myself". I like to drink drinks, just buy drinks to drink, every meal can not eat, or the family does not have appetite, I drink drinks, eat pickles, eat barbecue. In short, eat whatever you like!

After a while, I went to the hospital to take a ultrasound, and the doctor took the checklist and told me that the fetus was three weeks younger, may be malnourished, and should supplement protein. That's how I started to pay attention to my diet, but I didn't know what to eat at the time that might make the fetus grow faster, so I was flustered.

After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

There are many matters to pay attention to in pregnancy, pregnant mothers must not come by sex, especially in terms of diet, we must have a scientific diet.

The eating habits during pregnancy are very important for pregnant mothers, which is the support of pregnant mothers' physical strength and the source of nutrition for fetal babies. Therefore, pregnant mothers should pay special attention to this matter, and once they have bad eating habits during pregnancy, they must actively adjust it.

For example, the most obvious reaction to the symptoms of many women in the early stages of pregnancy is that their appetite is reduced and they do not like to eat. When it came to the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, I finally had a big appetite, and I couldn't control my mouth. Therefore, during pregnancy, we must remember that for the health of the fetus, we must plan more and control our eating habits, which is the most important. Keep in mind that there are some foods that cannot be eaten, and try not to eat them.

After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

So, what are the precautions for pregnancy, I will talk about them here specifically:

1. Do not eat raw and cold foods

Raw and cold foods, such as cold rice and cold vegetables, cold foods, such as frozen pears, watermelons, these are raw and cold foods. Pregnant women may be happy for a while and have a mouth addiction. However, after eating, it is possible that the spleen and stomach are damaged and the gastrointestinal discomfort is uncomfortable, but it is easy to cause damage to the body and affect the health of pregnancy.

After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

2. Do not eat junk food

Pregnant women eat to occupy the stomach, enhance the feeling of fullness, the intake of other foods will be reduced, the supply of nutrients will not be available, the mother and fetus will be affected. The nutrient content in junk food is too low, often eat such foods, pregnant women's body needs insufficient nutrients, fetal development will be affected, too light weight, and even after birth, the fetus is weak and sick.

Therefore, during pregnancy, the diet during pregnancy should follow the "two principles"

Not picky and not partial

Picky eating is a big taboo, and pregnant women should take in all aspects of nutrition. For example, milk, soy products, supplemented with high-quality protein. Usually, pregnant women eat more fresh fruits and supplement vitamins. Eat more meat and supplement with protein and iron. Eat fresh vegetables at each meal, not picky eating, eat as much as possible until eight points are full, easy to absorb.

After pregnancy, this bad eating habit will affect the development of the fetus, and pregnant women should change it in time

Eat regularly and don't overeat

Pregnant diet must be regularized, pregnant women can not come by nature, not to mention without self-control, casual overeating. Instead, the nutrients that should be absorbed into each meal should be made according to the recipe during pregnancy, and then carefully arranged. According to the different time periods in the early, middle and late stages of pregnancy, adjust the diet content as appropriate and avoid irregularity.

In short, during pregnancy, you should avoid eating, but you can't eat randomly. What pregnant women eat in the morning, middle and evening, how to eat specifically, if the pregnant mother is not clear, you can visit more related software, look at more professional platforms, and receive knowledge that is beneficial to yourself and the fetus.

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