
Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

When the uterine opening to more than three fingers, the mother will be pushed into the delivery room, but to the delivery room still need to wait, then presumably many pregnant mothers will feel that only until the uterine opening is fully open, that is, open to ten fingers to be able to have a baby, in fact, this statement is not accurate enough.

01 Pregnant women are afraid of tearing, and they have to wait for ten fingers to be willing to give birth, doctors: full opening is relatively rare

On the day of childbirth, Jiangxi Xiaolin waited in the ward to open the uterine opening, about two hours or so, the uterine opening to three fingers, the doctor arranged Xiaolin into the delivery room, after entering the delivery room, the nurse was still guiding Xiaolin to help open the uterine opening through breathing, and Xiaolin was also very cooperative.

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

Almost until the opening of the nine fingers or so, the doctor said that he could almost prepare to give birth, at this time Kobayashi heard and quickly said, "Doctor, didn't you say that you can wait until ten fingers to give birth?" Born now, if there will be a tear, I'll wait. ”

The doctor listened to the laughter, "The situation of full opening and regeneration is still relatively small, under normal circumstances, opening to nine fingers can officially start childbirth, because this time the fetal head has not yet come down, you can cooperate through breathing and power during the delivery process, to open ten fingers to help, simply put, it is 'while opening and giving birth', this situation is more common in the delivery room." ”

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

After listening to the doctor's words, Kobayashi felt relieved, and then cooperated with the doctor's instructions, and with the cooperation of breathing and exertion, the uterine opening was quickly opened, and the next delivery was also very smooth.

It can be seen that in fact, it is not necessary to wait until the full opening of ten fingers to give birth, many women are waiting until the opening of about nine fingers, the doctor will arrange to start childbirth, the reason is that as mentioned above, through the force to promote the fetal baby fetal head decline, so that it can be more smooth to open ten fingers, smooth delivery is easier.

Of course, there is also a special situation, that is, the size of the fetus is small, at this time, even if it is opened to eight or nine fingers, it can easily achieve childbirth, and there is no need to wait until the opening of ten fingers.

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

02 What are the three birth steps of delivery?

In fact, we usually say that the labor process refers to the "total labor process", specifically, the birth can also be subdivided into three births, of which the first stage of labor is the process of opening the uterine opening, usually, if it is the first time to give birth, then the process of opening the uterine opening will be relatively slow, the average time of the medical data of the labor force is about 12 hours, but if it is more than two children, then the time will be shortened a lot, the average is about 6 hours to 8 hours.

After the opening of the uterine opening smoothly, it will immediately enter the second stage of labor. The second stage of labor is the uterine opening until the fetus delivers out of the entire national car, if it is the first time to give birth, then it may take a long time, usually about 1 to 3 hours, if it is a second child or more, then the time required is shorter, usually within half an hour can be ended.

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

The last one is the third stage of labor, this process is the placental delivery stage, after the birth of the fetus, the mother also needs to deliver the placenta, generally within 15 minutes can be delivered, but some women's placenta sticky deep, 30 minutes later if it is still unable to deliver, then the doctor needs to reach into the mother's uterus with bare hands, the placenta is peeled off from the uterine wall. Of course, this process must be strictly sterilized so as not to cause infection to the mother.

03 What problems should women pay attention to during childbirth?

Whether the delivery is smooth or not depends largely on the mother, of which the most critical two points, one is the cooperation of the mother, in the process of delivery, some women may be chaotic, do not listen to the doctor's command, their own random force, breathing can not keep up with the rhythm, this situation is not helpful to the birth, but also may lead to the fetus stuck in the birth canal, resulting in the risk of suffocation.

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

Therefore, the mother must cooperate with the doctor's command, the doctor will direct how to breathe and exert force, the mother only needs to follow the doctor's rhythm, do not be willful, believe in the doctor's experience and judgment, only in this way, the fetus can be safely and smoothly delivered.

The other is the psychological state of the mother, especially many new women, because they have not experienced it, so they will feel particularly afraid, and some menstrual women, even if they have had a childbirth experience, but may be affected by the last childbirth experience, resulting in a shadow of the birth, so they will feel afraid. In this case, it will more or less have an impact on the smooth delivery.

Ten fingers fully open for motherhood to give birth? Doctor: Full opening is relatively rare, and this situation is the norm

Because when the mother is too nervous, the birth canal will contract, it is difficult for the fetus to pass through the birth canal smoothly, and the mother will be more sensitive to pain when she is nervous, thus entering a negative cycle state, which will become more nervous and the delivery will be more difficult to proceed smoothly.

Therefore, the mother must adjust her psychological state, avoid excessive tension, the best way is to divert their attention, let themselves focus on how to deliver the fetus, rather than always pay attention to the pain, otherwise it will only be chaotic, will be a threat to themselves and the fetus.

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