
Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

Bashu and Bashu have always referred to Chongqing and Sichuan, the two places in history belong to twin brothers, always together to warm up and develop together, originally all this is not a problem, but with the continuous progress of history, the population of the two places and all aspects of economic development have some potential problems.

In 1997, the central government took into account demographic, economic and various strategic development reasons, and finally separated Chongqing from the embrace of Sichuan, making it the third municipality directly under the central government after Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

The history of Chongqing

In fact, the origin of the two names of Bashu can be traced back to the Western Zhou Period, when the Ba people and the Shu people responded to the call of Ji Fa, the king of Zhou Wu, and participated in the conquest established by the Western Zhou, so after the establishment of the Western Zhou, Ji Fa allowed the Ba and Shu people to establish the Ba state and the Shu state in the Bashu region, so far, the two countries of Bashu have official traces in history.

The Zhou Dynasty experienced more than 700 years of history, and finally because of the sub-feudal system, the land area under the jurisdiction of the monarch became smaller and smaller, and the actual power became smaller and smaller, and finally it could only withdraw from the historical stage, after experiencing the chaos of the Spring and Autumn Warring States, the Qin people fought for the sixth generation, and after dozens of generations of efforts, finally unified the six kingdoms and established a complete and unified China during the Yingzheng period.

After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang made a profound reflection on the demise of the Zhou Dynasty, he believed that the sub-feudal system was obviously unreasonable, so he formulated a new county system to manage the country, under the influence of the county system, the two countries of Bashu became the two counties of Bashu during the Qin Dynasty, and continued to play an important role in the historical stage.

Time rushed by, after experiencing the Han and Tang Dynasties, history came to the Northern Song Dynasty, and during the Northern Song Dynasty, the imperial court gradually named the Sichuan-Shaanxi Four Roads in Shudi as Sichuan, after which Shudi had a new name. Less than a hundred years after the appearance of the name Sichuan, that is, during the Southern Song Dynasty, Gongzhou had just ushered in a new King Gong less than a month, king Gong ascended the throne as emperor, and he named Gongzhou (in badi) Chongqing as soon as he was happy, but the area under chongqing at this time was obviously not as large as it is today.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

Since the Song Dynasty, Sichuan and Chongqing have always been inseparable, but in the Republic of China period, Chongqing was separated from Sichuan twice, the first time was in 1939, Chiang Kai-shek moved the capital to Chongqing, promoting Chongqing to a municipality directly under the National Government, with the meaning of a temporary capital.

The second time was after the Liberation Army liberated Chongqing in 1949, from a strategic point of view, Chongqing was set up as the garrison of the Southwest Military Political Committee, which had the meaning of a municipality directly under the central government, until 1954, the nature of Chongqing was abolished, and it was once again included in the embrace of Sichuan.

Since Chongqing returned to Sichuan in 1954, Chongqing and Sichuan have not been separated, but with the increasing population of Sichuan and Chongqing, by 1997, Chongqing's 82,400 square kilometers of land had a population of 30.24 million, and Sichuan's 486,000 square kilometers of land, the population was only 84.29 million.

In the face of the population problems and economic development problems of Chongqing and Sichuan, coupled with the fact that Deng Xiaoping always paid silent attention to Chongqing, after inspecting Chongqing, he put forward the idea that Chongqing could be divided from Sichuan, and once this idea was proposed, it provided new ideas for the central government to deal with the development of Sichuan, and after careful consideration by the central government, finally in 1997, Chongqing was officially divided from Sichuan, making it the fourth municipality directly under the central government after Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

After Chongqing became a municipality directly under the central government, its development speed has become faster and faster, and after decades of development, Chongqing has now become a large economic city in the country, which is enough to see how far-sighted Deng Xiaoping and the central government were at the beginning, so why did Deng Xiaoping propose to divide Chongqing, and why did the central government finally do the same?

Why was Chongqing divided into municipalities directly under the central government?

Deng Xiaoping was once the first secretary of the Southwest Bureau of the Central Committee, and the Southwest Military Political Committee was in Chongqing at that time, so Deng Xiaoping had mixed feelings for Chongqing, so even if he left Chongqing to take up a post in Beijing, he still silently followed the development of Chongqing behind his back.

In 1980, Deng Xiaoping took the "Dongfanghong No. 33" steamship along the Chongqing river all the way down the river, conducted in-depth research and understanding of the development of Chongqing and the Sichuan region, and had a relatively comprehensive and profound understanding. Li Peng said that consideration should be given to setting up a Three Gorges administrative region specifically in the Three Gorges area, which includes Chongqing, so that it will be more conducive to economic development and proper handling of the resettlement of the population in the Three Gorges submerged area.

After listening to Li Peng's report, Deng Xiaoping proposed that Sichuan could be divided into two provinces, one with Chongqing as the center and the other chengdu as the center.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

After the central authorities conducted in-depth research and analysis of the population and land area of the Three Gorges Region, it was believed that if a new administrative region were to be built into this area, it would still be slightly chicken ribs, and it was in this special historical background that the central authorities had more consideration for Deng Xiaoping's original proposal to divide Chongqing.

After finally considering the comprehensive factors of population resettlement in the submerged areas of the Three Gorges Project, Sichuan's economic development, and strategic preparedness, the central government began to divide Chongqing in the 1990s, and it was also a complicated process until 1997, when Chongqing was officially transformed into a municipality directly under the central government.

So why did the central government formally decide to divide Chongqing in the first place? Let me go on a closer look.

First of all, starting from the Three Gorges Project mentioned above, the Three Gorges Project is a very majestic project, and at the same time has a great impact on China, at that time, the central government faced such a huge project as the Three Gorges Project, there were two issues that needed to be considered the most, one was the resettlement of 1.13 million people in the submerged area of the Three Gorges Project, and the other was the protection of the Three Gorges Project.

For the resettlement of 1.13 million people, if Chongqing is not divided from Sichuan, then once these people are resettled in Chongqing, it will add more pressure to Chongqing and Sichuan, which are already under great population pressure, but if these people are resettled in the Three Gorges region, a new administrative district needs to be established.

Therefore, starting from these practical problems, coupled with Deng Xiaoping's idea that Chongqing can be divided from Sichuan, the central government will finally decide to establish a municipality centered on Chongqing and place the Three Gorges region under the jurisdiction of Chongqing, which will not only solve the problem of resettlement of 1.13 million people in the flooded area of the Three Gorges Project, but also promote the economic development of the Three Gorges region and Chongqing, and more importantly, with the addition of the Three Gorges region, Chongqing's more than 30 million people can also be diluted. A lot of population pressure has been reduced.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?

Secondly, from the perspective of the security and strategic protection of the Three Gorges Project, the Three Gorges Project is so important that it must have a strong enough military force to protect it, and after Chongqing was divided from Sichuan into a municipality directly under the central government, Chongqing's status was instantly improved a lot, directly under the jurisdiction of the central government, and the military force was naturally much stronger than an ordinary city, which was undoubtedly a good thing for the strategic protection of the Three Gorges Project.

In addition to the problems of the three projects, the second reason why the central government divided Chongqing into a municipality directly under the central government was the population and economic problems, when Sichuan and Chongqing added Chongqing, the total population had reached a staggering 110 million, such a population base, prompting Sichuan to exert pressure.

What's worse is that in the population of 110 million, Chongqing actually accounted for more than 30 million, so that Chongqing formed a situation of more monks and less porridge, the population is increasing, the economy has not developed at all, and because the population is too large, and the status of this city is not as important as chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, so Chongqing's economic development at that time fell into a very embarrassing situation, no one was willing to invest in Chongqing, and it was too difficult to develop.

Once Chongqing is divided, Chongqing's status will be instantly enhanced, so that it can reduce sichuan's management pressure and increase Chongqing's investment opportunities, and it will be easier to promote the economic development of Sichuan and Chongqing.

In addition, after dividing Chongqing into a municipality directly under the central government, it can also play a vital role in simplifying the administration of the Sichuan region, and avoid the chaos of redundant administration or chaos, which is a very forward-looking approach.

Why did the central government divide Chongqing from Sichuan in 1997 and become the fourth municipality in China?


After decades of development, history has proved the correctness of Deng Xiaoping and the central government's decision, and it is precisely because of Chongqing's move to divide from Sichuan that the economies of Sichuan and Chongqing have been able to develop more rapidly, compared with the original development speed when they were merged together, it is not a grade at all, and I have to say that the wisdom of the ancestors is indeed amazing!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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